Chapter 67: Body Heat

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Note:*For any confusion, between Chapter 65-66, the white-haired huntress is indeed Nikolette. She went in the car where Sarina and Kassim were for protection but she lied to Sarina so that she could stop worrying about her. Mostly because it was a risky mission and Niko does not want her new friend to be troubled.

Leo's POV:

The storm has gotten heavier but I plowed through after Nikolette and an injured driver met our search party.

She looked fatigued and ready to keel over but she managed to tell me where my fiancee was and how she left a male agent to care for her. I had my agents to someone with a "Gate" ability to get her to our hospital in Japan to get her wounds treated.

I frowned. Something about what she said made me clench my hands. My fiancee was all alone with another male. Shit.

"Someone get Agent K.C right here! NOW!" I bellowed, causing a few agents near me to scramble and find her.

Soon enough, she appeared before me through a small gate looking a bit tired but that might be due to the clean up that was happening at Hatchet's base. But I paid no mind to it for once because I want to find Sarina first.

"K.C can you make a gate directly where my fiancee is? She is somewhere out there with an unnamed male. I must find her now."

"I only have enough calories left for one gate, Sir. It would take some time for us to finish "clean up" here. Taking this risk is dangerous; what would Sarina think if you froze in that icy storm?"

She was right but I cannot shake this feeling that she was injured and alone with another man. That thought alone made me throw caution to the wind and ordered her to make a gate immediately.

K.C sighed as she pulled out an energy bar and began munching before pulling out three more. The wind was biting cold and getting stronger as she finished eating. She raised her hand and threw a luminous circle ring that grew in size, surrounded by glowing white energy.

I immediately saw that the gate was in front of the entrance of a small cave that has been buffeted by the storm. The urge to jump was strong but I barked out orders for extraction on my location immediately after the purge clean-up and requested that K.C be taken for rejuvenation before attempting to summon another gate.

"I will see you in an hour. Agent K.C" I nodded to her and took the small bag one agent packed for me to ensure our survival and jumped in.

The gate vanished the moment I came through it and I immediately charged inside because the storm in this area was even colder. An immediate flood of warmth thawed my body and I sighed in relief. my eyes took a moment to adjust to the darkness of the cave.

I felt my duchess' feeling of dwindling fear and pain at the end of the place near the blazing bonfire. I walked towards the shadowed area and stiffened when I saw a bulky male covered in a few blankets; my temper flared when I grabbed the blanket and lifted it.

"Don't." the growl was unmistakeably territorial and it rankled my senses as I recognized the voice.

"Get away from her." I snarled, my gift of command was suddenly as its fullest. " Do it gently and step away."

I felt my cousin tremble and I can tell by the resistance tugging at my mind that he was trying not to do what I say but he groaned as he got up and stepped aside.

"You bastard...put your clothes back on!" I ordered him as he reluctantly pulled back his top on and the black ops jacket he had on while glaring at me. "Stay there."

He remained seated as I checked my fiancee and she started shivering, her eyes were shut tight and she suddenly moaned as if deprived of something.

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