Chapter 43: Kassim

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Leone's POV:

The party was a very exclusive one. Many wanted to get in and yet only a few close families from the elite, business conglomeration and a few exceptional people were invited.

The event was held in the Royal Palace's spacious back garden, a perfect back drop for my long lost sister's return to Illyria.

In fact, she and Sarina are the center of attention tonight.

I sipped my wine flute and tapped my feet impatiently as Sarina guided my half-sister through the party, politely introducing her and with Cat beside both of them; their debut into the elite society of Illyria is all but guaranteed.

A while ago when the girls were getting dressed, I had a brief meeting with Luis and my father. We all agreed that we would just introduce Sey as Sarina's cousin to avoid spooking the girl before she gets used to the lifestyle here.

Everything seems to be falling into place and thanks to Cat and Sarima's gentle guidance, My half-sister seems to be relaxing and was behaving like a born princess.

"She studied manners and etiquette with Ms. Sarina before. I am surprised she remembered everything I taught her after just a few basic lessons." Luis answered me as if he knew what I was about to ask.

My friend was looking very dapper in a the usual black and white tuxedo, his dark red hair slicked back neatly giving his handsome face a clean look and it frames his apple green eyes. His gaze seems to follow Sey with an unreadable gaze.

"Is she still angry at you?" I asked him and he stared at her a bit more before facing me.

"We made amends but she seems to be avoiding me now. Your sister has trust issues and it may take some time for her to start trusting me again." he answered me. " Ah, Excuse me Leone but my father seems to have need of me."

I nodded as my friend joined his father who was surrounded by a few of his law firm partners.

I can tell there was something he was not telling me about my sister but I don't sense any ill intent so I brushed it off and saw that Sarina left Sey to Cat and was making her way to me.

The sight of her all dolled up never ceases to amaze and arouse. She is petite but the navy blue halter gown and silver heels emphasizes her plump breasts and her curvy legs. She does not wear heavy makeup like most of my previous paramours. In fact, she only wore a "glassy" make up look and a striking dark blue eyeliner and a subtle silver highlighter.

She's very beautiful.

"Sey is doing very well. Thank you for hosting a small party for her because she was freaking out when we were dressing up." she took a deep breath the moment she reached me. I motioned a waitress carrying a tray of white wine glasses and grabbed on for my lover.

She took it with a soft murmur of thanks and drank deeply.

I took that opportunity to step closer to her and to my amusement, she noticed my proximity and a light blush suddenly colored her cheeks which made me smile as I lifted a hand to brush a small lock of curly hair from her face.

"Behave." she whispered to me and that made me grin as she finished her wine.

"I won't do anything inappropriate love, but after the party... Hmmm" I purred. "I can do a lot of indecent things when we get to bed."

She looked around if anyone heard me before she shook her head at me and smiled.

"Just be on your best behavior and I'll let you have your way with me after." she said softly, the way she tilted her head was so seductive and I felt myself harden a bit.

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