Chapter 25: Missing You

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Sarina's POV:

Feeling the humid, damp weather on my skin as I waited for my ride at the new NAIA airport waiting area finally made me realize how much I missed the rainy days in Manila.

The flight was a straight 8 hour journey back to the Philippines and somehow I found myself missing Leone. Somehow the excitement of seeing Sey was mixed with an emptiness that seems to grow stronger every hour.

Is this because I left Illyria and the man who just confessed his love to me.

As I was guided by the same stewardess that he hired for me out of the plane, I became aware of a crowd of reporters and media personnel waiting by the arrival area and froze when one of them noticed me and started creating a fuss.

I almost forgot the media and how quick the news seems to have traveled here. My anxious expression must have alerted the stewardess because she told me to follow her to a private room where my cousin and Lawyer were waiting for me with open arms.

Seymone was the first to jump at me, Her hair was cut in a pretty shoulder-length style now and she seems in good health. I hugged her tightly as my sudden longing for my lover diminished a bit upon being with my beloved cousin.

"Welcome back cousin! You have no idea how long the media was waiting for you! You made the news!"

"W-What news??"

Sey showed me a short newscast video on her phone. It was a cover story about my rags to royalty coverage that seems to have gained me some attention. And since I already had a previous interview because of my eye color changing months ago; the media easily found a connection.

I was wondering why my Facebook and Instagram started having so many followers in a short span of three weeks which was why I switched my accounts to private and Luis had to hire a social media specialist to create another account meant for my image as a duchess and keep my social media pictures from being used to hurt my reputation.

"I have had a lot of requests for interviews and guest appearances in several talk shows but under your orders, I declined them on the account that you have other pressing matters," Luis said as he motioned for two airport staff to take my belongings.

"A-Are they bothering you at the university Sey? I am so sorry." I looked at my cousin who shrugged it off.

"It does get a bit rowdy but UP is a big school so I have been able to avoid them with help from friends." my cousin was as bubbly as ever until her sharp gaze looked at me more closely after we hugged. " You have gotten more beautiful and-and you are glowing! Did you use a different type of makeup? or skincare?"

I blushed at that sudden question. I wanted to tell her about Leone but not in front of Luis so I did the best way I could to make her forget about her question momentarily.

"I have some pasalubong for you and Luis! Let's go home and open them up okay?" I smiled at her when she did not press me further and was more excited about her present from my trip as we were escorted out of the airport.

The Media descended upon us like starving crows and I ducked my head as Luis protected both me and Sey with his body as we walked at a brisk pace and the next thing we know, we were ushered into a limo and drove away from the airport.

It was only after a few minutes that I sighed and breathed more calmly. My life has changed so much since Henry's death but oddly I do not feel as scared as I thought since my stable income means being able to provide for my cousin.

[Translation: Pasalubong are gifts/souvenirs bought during one's vacation. Usually, this word is also heard when Overseas Filipino Workers are coming home for a visit, they buy pasalubong for their families.]

The Prince's Duchess { Illyria Series 1 } - COMPLETEDTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang