Chapter Three.

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Volterra, Italy.

I sat in my throne staring at the wall. The same as the past hundreds of years. Only moving for feeding or leaving the throne room, to stare at a different wall. My life had been a shell since Didyme died. My life wasn't worth living after Didyme died. I had no purpose, but to rule along side my brothers. Jane came in through the door her face hard, but softened as she reached Aro. They shared a special bond. She was like a daughter the Aro, and Alec a son. The children he could never give Sulpicia. "Master I have news about the Cullens." Something within begged me to pay attention. So I complied. Aro's face lit up.

"Come, let me see!" He said excited. Aros infatuation with the Cullen coven was both from love, of their gifted members, and of jealousy. Jane moved forward and let Aro clasp her hand. A few seconds past before anyone spoke. "Yet another Cullen. I wonder is she gifted. Juliet Harp, how interesting." I felt a pang of need hit my chest.

"Maybe we should pay the Cullen's a visit. It has been a year, we should check up on the half breed child." Cauis said. For once I was happy with what Cauis had suggested. I rarely agreed with him, not that I voiced my opinion on that matter.

"Marcus, what should we do?" Aro clasped his looking at me with with gleaming eyes.

"I do believe a trip to Washington is in order." I announced.

"Ah good. Jane inform Alex, Felix, and Dimitri. We leave at dusk." Aro said. "Afton bring Marissa here."

Forks, Washington.

Edward took me on my first hunt yesterday. I drained three whole deer, yet I was already thirsty today. "Esme is this normal?" I asked her. Cuddling into her side. Carlisle and Esme were truely my mother and father now. I barely left Esme's side. After all I was only sixteen and just yesterday I was told about vampires. I wasn't emotionally stable.

"Yes dear." She patted my back. "It takes a while to get used to." I felt like a child and was acting like one too. I knew I was being ridiculous, but I need time. Tomorrow, I would grow up. The phone rang.

"I'll get it." I stood up and walked over to the kitchen. "Hello, Cullen residence."

"This is Marissa, Aro wanted me to inform your coven that the Volturi are coming to visit. Expect them at dusk tomorrow." She said and hung up. I knew Esme heard, as she was calling a meeting. Carlisle had explained to me, that the Volturi were like vampire royalty. They created the laws, and enforced them. But why were they visiting us? I joined the family in the dinning room. Everyone was staring at Alice. She gasped and started blurting out her vision.

"Aro wants to check her for gifts. Cauis is worried about our size, and Marcus he will get a second mate."

"Is that even possible?" Jasper asked. "Who is it Alice." Alice looked at Edward and he shook his head.

Everyone focused on him. "Juliet." Esme rushed to my side.

"Carlisle we can't let them take her." Esme's voices was pleading and scared. I've never seen her like this. She was always so calm and laid back. It was scaring me.

"What's going on? Who will take me?" I didn't want to go. I was finally in a loving home. Who was cruel enough to take that from me? Carlisle wrapped me in a hug.

"The Volturi have three core leaders. Aro, Cauis, and Marcus. They all had mates. Sulpicia, Athenadora, and Didyme. Didyme was Aro's sister, and Marcus' mate. They both have gifts. Marcus' is to detect bonds, and Didyme's was to influence happiness in a person. In the beginning of the Volturi, there was a lot of vampire wars. Mostly over power, who should rule the vampire world. Didyme and Marcus were tired of the warring life. They wanted to leave the Volturi. But Didyme was murdered. Having a mate is different then having a boyfriend. A mate is your second half, a part of you. It broke Marcus. He was never the same since she died. He never left the Volturi. Presumably because Aro, Cauis, and the wives were all he had left." Carlisle looked down at me. "Juliet, you're mated to Marcus." Esme growled next to me.

"She's my baby. We can't let them take her. Maybe we should take a trip to Alaska. Visit our cousins. They don't know she's Marcus's second mate yet. Carlisle please." I could see the pain in his eyes as he wanted so desperately to give in to his wife.

"Esme, you know it won't do any good." Rose's soft voice spoke. "Dimitri can track her mind. Running from the Volturi will only get us all killed." Esme nodded, but left out the back door. Carlisle went after her. Renesmee came over to me and wrapped me in a hug. My life seemed like it was going down hill, when would it stop?

Hiya, you lovely human beings( and any non human who maybe reading this?). OMG. HER LIFE SUCKS. SHE HAS TO MOVE TO ITALY, AND SHE HAS TO LIVE IN A CASTLE, AND SHE HAS TO BE WEALTHY, AND IS PRACTICALLY A PRINCESS. lol. Seriously though, I'd be all over Aro. Age is just a number babyyyy. ;)
Hope you enjoyed.

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