Chapter Eleven.

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Later Marcus came to our room, I had been laying on the bed and he laid next to me. "Juliet?"

"I have to kill him or turn him. I'm praying God will give me the right answer." I felt Marcus shift next to me, suddenly his face was right infront of mine.

"You still believe in God?" He face was a mixture of confusion. I nodded looking into his eyes.

"I never stopped. If I will still go to heaven, I doubt it. But that hasn't given me a reason to stop believing. I will always believe in God."Marcus stared at me intently.

"When you have lived as long as I have, you start to doubt the very foundation of your existance. When I was 210 I began exploring religion. Christian, Catholic, Islam, you name it I can recite it's book. I never believe in any of it. Why did we need some great being to create everything. What if it just always was."

"My devotion to God, is one I will always keep. I made a vow, and I will always keep it." Marcus kept staring at me.

"Juliet you never cease to amaze me." He kissed my cheek and sat up. "I came to talk to you about marriage. Our marriage." I too sat up facing him, forgetting about Tommy for the moment.


"When we do get married you would become Queen Juliet Volturi of Volterra castle. You would have to follow the rules set for a Queen." Marcus watched my face intently. "They are there for your safety, which is so important now with the threat hanging in the air. You would have to live with Dora and Sulpicia."

"In the tower?" I asked. I knew the answer, but I didn't like it.

"Yes. We had a guard design your room already. She will give you a tour tomorrow."

"Marcus.... I don't know how you could think this is the best thing for me. Being away from you. You're already gone so much, now I don't even get to lay with you at night?" He looked at me with longing.

"I know Juliet, trust me I know. It will be hard, but it's what we have to do. I only want you safe." I knew that. But I only wanted to be with Marcus. I didn't care about my safety. "I'll let you think about that. Cauis wants to do more planing." I nodded and leaned over to kiss him.

"Hurry back my love." He simply nodded and left the room. I closed my eyes. Tommy was the only human I had previous contact with since my human life. Was I ready to let him go? Or would I be selfish enough to turn him? Maybe I should go see him? Would he be scared of me? I stood up and called Felix into my room.


I stood silently for the last hour watching Thomas. He sat their practically unmoving. He just stared at the bars in front of him.

"Dad." Came a soft whisper from his lips. "Dad I'm so sorry. Vampires? What is going on? Why didn't you tell me? What a am I supposed to do?" He sniffled. I stood still, should I go to hi,? Would he want me to? "Oh, Juliet..." He trailed off. I couldn't help myself. I stepped forward.

"Thomas, it's me Juliet." I spoke softly. His head shot up looking around for me. I got him to look directly at me.

"Juliet! Oh! Jules, please let me out! I promise I wont tell anyone what happened. I'll leave and never come back. I'll tell the police my father must of ran off with an Italian girl, which is not unlike him. Please, please, please, let me go." Thomas rambled off.

"Shhh, shhh, shh. Tommy it is okay. Just take a deep breath. I am not going to hurt you, I need to talk to you. And this is important. It will change your life forever." I came right up to his cell now. "Will you listen?" He meekly nodded. "Alright"

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