Chapter Five.

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This story has two dedications. One to my best friend Leaha, & the other to a wattpad user who likes this book & to her I say thank you a bunch love!

Ballroom dancing & midnight walks

Carlisle invited everyone inside, Esme was strong enough to gain composure and put her host face on. But I could tell she was breaking inside. Everyone stood in the front foyer.

"Edward, my son, play use some music, please. Maybe Bach." Esme directed. Edward nodded and went over to the piano. He began to play a piece, I'm sure it was beautiful, but I wasn't aware. I was standing next to Marcus. He was looking down into my eyes.

"Juliet, can you dance?" I noticed Aro and Sulpicia paired up and twirling around. I knew ballroom dancing, but surely nothing for this song.

"I'm sorry, but my dancing isn't this advanced." I shook my head.

"No matter. I will do most of the work. Watch Sulpicia. " Marcus said and positioned me. I felt like a small child. And that's what I was compaired to him. I was only 16, and Marcus was a few thousand years old. We began to move. Never touching, but twirling around one another. Coming so close, but leaving more to be desired. I glanced at Sulpicia every once in a while, she danced with such grace, her eyes never leaving Aro's. It was almost magical. I was mesmerized by them. Aro wore a suit fitted perfectly for him, Sulpicia's dress was midnight black, and contrasted beautifully against her skin. It was impossible not to watch her.

"Look at me Juliet. Watch me, and match your steps to the opposite." Marcus said, He stepped right, I stepped left, We went back and forth like this, close yet far apart. It was enjoyable, but part of me wondered if thats what our relationship would be like? Luckily the song stopped and we bowed and stepped of the 'dance floor'. I needed to clear my thoughts. My heart reached out for Marcus, but I knew nothing of him. I only learnt of him a few days before. How could this be love? I felt so lost, I wanted to cry, but I knew nothing would come out. I needed my best friend. I need Leah. I turned to Esme.

"I need to see Leah, can I go to La Push?" Esme looked worried.

"No. Juliet stay, we have guests." She gave me a look, saying she'll explain later. "Why don't you and Nessie head upstairs. There are things that need to be discussed privately. I nodded and pulled Renesme along with me. We went up to my room.

"I can tell you why you can't go to La Push." She said as I sat on my bed..

"Why?" I asked. She came closer to me and put her hand on my cheek. Immediately I was seeing something else. Jacob Black, he was taking his shirt and shoes off. He gave a look at apology towards me. Suddenly he was shaking, his body was visibly getting bigger, and suddenly he was transforming into a wolf. Was he a werewolf? But is wasn't night! Jacob Black was a shapeshifter. I pushed Renesmee's hand away. Shocked. What the hell. "A-and Leah too?" She nodded. "Seth? Sam, Paul, Embry? All of them" I got another nod. I knew there was more to the story. "So why-"

"Juliet?" An unfamiliar voice asked from the door way. It was Sulpicia and Athenadora.

"Yes?" I answered.

"We wanted to get to know you." Sulpicia said.

"Would you walk with us?" Athenadora asked. I stood up and smoothed out my dress.

"Of course. We can tour the gardens." I conceded. I squeezed Renesmee's hand as we left. The first few minutes were a bit awkward, no one said anything.

"How old are you?" Sulpicia asked.


"And your from England?"

"Yes." The wives went back and forth asking questions. They seemed a bit odd to me, but I tried to answer as best as I could.

"Do you have any questions?" Athenadora asked. I mad many, most I would ask Marcus.

"Is Marcus a kind man?" Both wives looked at each other and smiled.

"Yes." That was all I needed to know. I feel like I could be happy. I could make an eternal life with Marcus. As long as I had friends and family to support me. We made our way back to the house. "Thank you." Sulpicia said. They both gave me a hug and went to find their husbands. I found Alice and she smiled warmly at me.

"I think you should talk to Marcus. It seems they will be staying a while." She said. I nodded and saw Marcus sitting across the room. His eyes were on me. I slowly made my way over. He grabbed my hand and kissed it.

"Sit please, Juliet. My brothers and I have decided to stay here a while. We haven't left Voltura, for vacation matters in a very long time."

"Where will you be staying?" I asked, assuming it was here.

"Carlisle graciously offered his home. Due to our feeding habits, we declined. We Wil be staying in a hotel in Port Angeles. I was hoping to take you out to dinner tomorrow."

"I would love to, Marcus." I said with genuine enthusiasm. He let a small smile slip. It warmed my heart. He stood to leave.

"Goodnight Juliet." I stood also.

"Goodnight Marcus." I gave him a peck on the cheek. I watched the Volturi leave. Carlisle and Edward told me all about their history. Yet when they were here, I welcomed them. Danced with them? Hung out with them? Kissed them? I stood their frozen. What the hell. I noticed everyone staring at me. I went up to my room and sat on my bed. I needed to meditate.

Volturi love. {Marcus Volturi}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora