Chapter Eight.

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Good-bye for now.

"We can buy you new clothes in Italy." Marcus said picking threw my closet. "In the Volterra castle it is very formal. Dresses mostly. Ball gown types." I nodded weakly.

"I'll bring a few things for comfort." I grabbed an old hoodie and pair of sweats. Some graphic t-shirts & a shivon top.

"That's a nice blouse, do you have more?" Marcus dug deeper pulling out my collection. "These are nice. Bring these please!" I hope he knows a top goes underneath. Since my more formal wear was exceptable I grabbed a few dresses and skirts. Packing it all into my suit case. "In Volterra Castle Aro has set dress codes. Men in pantsuits, Women in skirts or dresses. Unless you are part of the guard, which you aren't, then pants are exceptable."

I could do that. It'd be fun to dress up. I nodded in response to Marcus. I went to my bookshelf and grabbed a few of my favorites. The Magician & Mrs. Quent, The Hobbit, Envy, The Help, and a few others. It was an odd collection, but it held my favorites. I also slid my laptop into it's case and set it on top of my bag. When it got down to it, there wasn't much I couldn't live without. I reached under my bed and grabbed a small box. Marcus came up behind me. He put a hand on my shoulder.

"Are you alright Juliet?" He asked in his calm tone. I shook my head. Inside that box was the only thing I had left from my family. There was a small diamond ring, a faded photograph of my father, and a obituary for my mum.

"The box was hers." I said. "My mother's." I stared at it for a while. My most prised posesion fit in the palm of my hand. So small but worth more than the world to me. I used to cry every time I looked at this box. I read my mothers obituary time and time again. "The words 'Died in childbirth used to kill me. I used to cut myself to feel pain." When I said this Marcus wrapped his arms around me, tighter than ever.

"No one can hurt you now. Not even you." He kissed the side of my head. " I hear the Cullen's on the driveway. Let's go." I nodded and grabbed one of my bags Marcus grabbed the other. I saw Esme at the bottom of the stairs. She flew towards me instantly hugging me tightly. Thank god I wasn't human any more, she might have killed me!

"I'm not going forever, Mom. I'll see you soon!" I mumbled into her hair. She pulled away and looked into my eyes.

"Whatever you need, whenever. Call me, I'll always be here for you my baby. You will always have a place here." She kissed my cheek and let the others have a chance to hug me.

Carlisle was next. " I'm sorry you had to go through that Juliet. We'll miss you around here. You brought a special light into our lives, one no one else could have." He hugged me tight.

"Thank you Carlisle! You and Esme have been the best parents anyone could have asked for." Suddenly I was surrounded by everyone in a family group hug. Many 'We'll miss you's' where mumbled out and I swear I was about to cry.

"I will come back soon I promise." I said and gave everyone a kiss on the cheek. I grabbed Marcus' hand and we went to the car. Aro, Sulpicia, Cauis, and Athenadora all stared out the window. I simply looked at the ground. It was a bitter sweet atmosphere. Mostly bitter, as my emotions were more prominent. Everyone sat in the same position for the two hour drive to the airport. Once we got on the private plane we resumed not talking and I sat alone. I wanted to go to Italy, I wanted to build a strong relationship with Marcus. But I also wanted to live with the Cullen's, with my Mum and Dad, my brothers and sisters, niece. I didn't notice Marcus sit next to me til I felt his hand on mine.

"Juliet?" He asked softly. "Do you not wish to come back to Italy with me?" I turned myself to face him fully.

"Marcus Volturi, your gift it to see the strength in bonds. What do you see between us?"


"Exactly. In such a short time I've fallen in love with you. I love you. But the Cullen's are my family too. I was finally happy and then I had to uproot again. I'm lost with myself. I don't know what to do anymore. I need space." I leaned in ad kissed Marcus softly.

"As much time and space as you need, within the castle. We still don't know why someone went after you."I nodded and snuggled into his side. I would be a long drive. My bipolar disorder as a lot more prominent in my vampire state. I wanted to go with Marcus, but I wanted to stay with Esme. I closed my eyes and void any current thoughts. This was the closest I would get to sleep.


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