Chapter Four.

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Knight in a long dark cloak.

As dusk began to fall the next day, Esme's grip became tighter. She hasn't hunted in two days. She will only allow me to touch her. She has only said 'No.' 'My baby.' or 'I love you.' since she came back with Carlisle yesterday.

"Esme let's go hunt." I tried. I knew everyone was worried.

"No. She simply answered. I looked into her eyes.

"Esme, you need to hunt."

"I need to hunt." She replied. Almost robotic like. What's going on. Was she finally giving in.

"Yes you do!" I was about to give her a hug, but she spoke again.

"Yes I do." What the heck?! 'Edward!!!' I mentally screamed for him. In a few seconds he was by my side.

"Esme is acting all weird." I thought of what happened and let Edward read my mind. Edward looked at me oddly.

"You have mind control." I had a gift? Bella entered the room with Renesmee in tow.

"Aunty Jule has a gift!?" The little girl asked. Luckily Edward answered for me, because I was still in shock. I can make people do things they don't want. How horrid is that? I was even more of a monster. I was a blood sucking, mind compelling, immoral, demon. Suddenly Esme snapped out of her trance.

"Esme, I'm so so sorry. I didn't mean to. It just happened!" I cried out as I clung to her. I made the only mother I ever had, go against her will. Luckily she didn't actually do it.

"It's okay love."

"You were conscious the whole time?" Edward asked. "Nessie, go get Grandpa. Please." He asked his daughter. She nodded and ran up stairs.

"Yes. I could hear her, and want to say no. But instead I said yes. I almost wanted to go. But deep down, I knew I didn't." I sat there stunned. Almost to shocked to hear the sound of a car turning into the drive way. The sound I've been dreading all day. All my brothers and sisters gathered in the room. Each second the car got closer. The room was so tense. Suddenly the car was right there.

"Let's greet our guests." Carlisle said and lead everyone outside. I held Esme's hand tightly. If my heart could still beat, it would be racing. There were two cars. The men I recognized to be Aro, Cauis, and Marcus got out of one, along with a young girl and boy. The other were two males, one much more built than the other, as well as four females.

"Aro, Cauis, Marcus, welcome to my home." Carlisle said, stepping in front of Bella. I knew she was a shield, that's how they defeated the Volturi last time. Aro smiled at Carlisle.

"Ah, Carlisle, my old friend. How lovely a home you have." He gestured with his hands to the house behind us. I felt a pair of eyes watching me. I turned towards Marcus. His eyes were almost scanning me. I looked away quickly, but I wanted to look back. I wanted to run to him. Hold feel his arms around me. I was probably being hormonal. "We came to check up on Renesmee, and meet your newest addition." Aro's eyes searched for me. "Ah, do come here, young vampire." I had a feeling that I wouldn't be allowed to refuse. I approached him quietly. "May I?" He asked, sticking his hand out. Remembering his powers I gingerly placed my hand in his. He closed his hand and pulled me closer. I noticed Marcus shifted a few feet away.

I stood there awkwardly while Aro held my hand. His eyes widened once, then a second time even more. I knew Aro now knew. I was Marcus' second mate, and I had the power of compulsion. "How simplify wonderful. Oh Juliet how truely interesting you are!" I still stood awkwardly, not having said a word this whole time. "Marcus, brother, come here." My heart leaped at his name. Marcus. Such s simple name, but it made me go wild inside. He moved forward with grace. Aro laid my hand in his.

I knew there was no going back now. I felt the mating pull, like a string of ecstasy wanted it.

"Hello, love." I said smiling up at him with new found confidence. I knew he needed me just as much as I needed him. I looked into his stunningly red eyes. They were horrible, yet not as bad as everyone else's.

"Miss Harp." He brought my hand up and kissed it. Luckily vampires can't blush. "It is truely my pleasure to make your acquaintance."


Wow. My app is acting up. If the spacing looks weird to you, can you comment. :) Thanks. Finally some Volturi action. WHAT IS UP? Want to know a secret? ~I used to LOVE twilight. Then I realized how dumb it was, like sparkling vampires what is this shizzaz?? Now, I only like the Volturi because they interest me :)~


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