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Christian was warding off the Wolf when he felt another one landing heavily on him, trying to push him down. Taking advantage of his distraction, the first Wolf sunk its canines into his fur on his back, its jaw feeling heavy and painful as he suppressed a howl. Crouching low, he ripped himself off the Wolf as his claw reached out to roughly grab the Wolf’s paws as his sharp claws dug in deep. Dragging his razor sharp nails along, he lifted his head up with a force. The Wolf staggered back at the impact. He wasted no time in leaping forward as his snout was pulled back in a sneer and his teeth bit into his neck, tearing its throat out and the Wolf howled and fell lifeless to the ground with a thud.

Turning his attention back to the other Wolf, he wasn’t in the mood to play around and lose any more time as he growled at it and his front legs circled around its neck. The other Wolf was quick on its legs as it pushed Christian back, making him fall to the ground and it pinned him down with its heavy weight. The two Wolves snarled at each other as the Wolf tried pushing Christian away from its throat, its claw landing heavily on his face as he felt the flesh tearing on his face. Tightening his hold, his claw sunk further into its fur as his teeth quickly ripped out its throat. Pushing the Wolf off him, he stood back up and charged at the nearby Wolves.

A growl that he recognised faltered him as a string of howls and whimpers immediately followed. Christian clawed the throat of the Wolf he was fighting as he left it there half dead, leaving someone from his Pack to take care of it as he dashed towards where he heard the sound coming from. What first caught his sight was the Wolf that was lying soaked in its own blood, with its eyes rolled to the back of its head. His attention quickly shifted to the other Alpha Wolf that was only a few feet away, injured as it was fighting to take breaths and stay alive. A single, loud growl ripped through Christian’s chest; the Alpha had killed the other Alpha Wolf. Instinctively, the Wolves, including Christian, bowed their heads at his father as they accepted him as their Alpha.

LINDA King entered the large conference room as she took her Mate’s seat at the head of the table. She was barely holding up and wanted nothing more than to go back to the hospital wing but she knew that this had to be done.

“Luna, how is Alpha?”

“He’s still unconscious but he’s doing a lot better,” she said, her voice sounding a little hoarse. “I called this meeting today because the doctors think it’d be best if the Alpha were to not physically strain himself.” She paused looking around at the people she was currently residing over until her eyes landed on her eldest son. “That is why the Alpha and I have decided to make Christian Scott King the Alpha.”

Christian’s eyes widened as he gaped at his mother, his mind still not comprehending what she had just said as the room went deafeningly quiet. And just as soon as they all were stunned into silence, they started erupting into questions and congratulations and disbelief.

LINDA rested her palm on her son’s cheek. “Christian, you’ll do great. We will be here for you if you need anything,” she reassuringly smiled at him.

“But, mom, my Luna?” he confusedly asked.

“Christian, a Mate will give you more strength and support you. You are already strong, boy. Your mother and I have raised you well. Until you find your Mate, this Pack, your mother and I, we will support and even after you find her. I’ll find you a she Wolf worthy of you and this title if I have to. But for now, our Pack needs this,” Mason told him. As much as he hated to admit it, he was getting old and he knew that his ignorance and denial would only bring the Pack down unless he gave the reins to his son.

Christian sucked in a breath, puffed out his chest and gave his parents a curt nod.

“Now go there. Everybody is waiting,” Mason said and clapped Christian on his back.

His Luna (HumanxWolf) | ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang