05. Jason Derulo, Inspiring Pervert Teens Since 2006.

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'We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.'~ André Berthiaume

Christiana's POV:

What do you do when it rains gum drops on you? You open your mouth and say ah ah ah.

What do you do when it rains money on you? No shit, buffoon. You run to catch it.

But what do you do when none of your dreams come true and rains plain, transparent water on you? Bitch, you run. No, you don't dance in it. That happens only in sicko romantic movies.

That's exactly what I was doing right now.

I was happily walking home under the sun shining bright and the leaves glistening when the clouds started sobbing like crazy. Even though I had missed my bus, I was happy. But now, it's a totally different story.

That's what I get for forgetting my umbrella even though I live in a city like London. 

You ask why I was happy before?That's because of the genius stunt that I had just pulled on someone.

Oh, you ask what stunt? Oops, I can't tell you. That's a secret. You will see that tomorrow in the school hallways.

Now, I was running as fast as my cursed leg bones could take me. I was soaking wet and my toms were making splash-splash sounds on the footpath.

Running round the corner, I reached my house.


Removing my Toms, I rushed into my room and into the shower.

Showers- that one place where we think about every damn possible thing in the world.
It involves 2% of bathing, 3% of shampooing and 95% of thinking.

The hot water relieved my legs and I started thinking about what I had done today.

Did I take it too far? No!

Do I feel guilty? Positively but why?

That is unknown.

I don't even know how Kris knew about my fear of beetles. Thus, what I did was not taking it too far.

I completed my shower and came out of the bathroom, relieved and warmer. I changed into my favourite Rapunzel nightshirt along with sweatpants and went to the washing machine to dump my wet clothes. M

"Hey sweetie. Are you alright and warmer now? You came pretty late today. Do I want to know why? By the way, I have kept hot chocolate for you on the dining table.", my mom said when she saw me standing near the washing machine. She kept firing question at me non-stop.

"Mom. I am fine. I was just caught up in some work today a the library.", I paused to give a smirk and continued, " Thanks for the hot cocoa.", I smiled.

"Do I want to know what were you were caught up in and why you are smirking?", my mom asked warily.

"You really don't, mama. Because I might or might not have messed with my arch nemesis' shampoo", I said while chuckling.

"You did something with Kris again?", my mom chided while trying to control her laughter.

"Proudly maa.", I said. She started chuckling.

She chuckled some more and then went out of the laundry room while shaking her head.

Well yeah, Watson was quite famous in my house for being my only enemy. I guess Patrice didn't count. Neither did Dylan. Nor did that one thief who snatched my cheese sandwich from my hand. Seems like Kris was not my only enemy.  He was a constant topic of conversation at my house. The entire family knew the tales of the two chemistry opponents.

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