11. Hi! I Am Watson, Kris Watson.

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New update! New update! Yay! I finally updated after a long time.

I heard Illuminate by Shawn Mendes. It was amazing. My insides our a pile of mushy goo.

Also, I would like to say that even though Logan Lerman is the one portraying Kris, it's not necessary for Kris to look exactly like Logan. I only mean to adopt Logan's eye colour, smile and hair. And maybe his body structure. And you all can imagine Kris to look in any way you want. He can be your dream guy, it doesn't matter. :D

The song above is 'Mercy' by Shawn Mendes. Also, the picture is of Robbie Amell as Dylan Clarke!

This book is #52 in humor as of today!! I didn't know that! My good friend Dancer_for_life31 told me! Also, all of you read her books 'Thoughts' and 'Dancing to The Rhythm of Love'. I am sure you'll love it just like you love this book!

I hope you all like this update and I can get this story to reach the top. So continue reading and Enjoy!
" Nobody can go back and start a new beginning. But anyone can start today and make a new ending. It takes just a 'Hi' " ~ Maria  Antionette

Kris' POV:

Christiana fucking Hall stood there in all her glory, staring at me with determination, holding the door that I was about to slam on her face yet once more.

She was here to say something and even though I was curious to hear what she wanted to say, I had some self respect and pride. It was shouting at me to shut the door on her face again.
Christiana looked like my words had had no affect on her. She looked like she wasn't going anywhere without saying what she wants to say.

The prank war had gone way too far. I was stuck with a one week worth of lunch detention and even though I knew why I took the fall for Christiana, there was no way I was telling her why.

I sighed. "Speak up and leave."

Christiana cleared her throat and shuffled on her feet awkwardly.

"Look Kris, I know that the past two weeks, I've been insufferable." I scoffed and Christiana glared.

"But you know that it was you who declared the war by putting that ugly beetle inside my locker. I had spilled the soda on you only by mistake and not purposely." She continued and I thought she maybe was right in some places. I may have started the whole war thing. I gestured her to continue.

Christiana cleared her throat. "Anyway, it is very difficult for me to say this. I don't know how to frame this. When you took the blame for what I did, I realized that you are a genuinely nice person and honestly I don't even remember why we were fighting in the first place.

It was just stupidly competitive and just to feed our egos. I wanted to say sorry for taking things too far by hacking into your Facebook account. I shouldn't have done that. If you want, I will go and admit to Principal Grey that it was me who messed with you. But I was hoping we could start a fresh new chapter and with a new beginning. No hard feelings?"

I just stared at her in shock. Did the great, ever so arrogant Christiana Hall just genuinely apologize?

"Don't go to Principal Grey and say anything and I am sorry too."

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