14. Omelet And Hot Chocolate

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Happy Thanksgiving to everyone who celebrates it! (Even though Thanksgiving was yesterday.) Omg I am so thankful to you guys! Thank you for the 1K! That makes me so happy, you have no idea! 😊 Keep supporting.
Consuming all the air from my lungs, ripping off the skin from off my bones, I'm prepared to sacrifice my life, I would gladly do it twice. ~Mercy, Shawn Mendes.

Christiana's POV:

I don't have any idea for how long I slept. When I rubbed my eyes, a sharp pain shot through my shoulders. Then I remembered ramming into the pillar when I was running to get the paper from Kris.

I looked around me and saw the familiar living room of my house. I remember fainting in front of Kris but I don't remember anything after that. I looked around and saw that Kris is sleeping on the couch opposite to the one I was sleeping on. He is snoring softly and he still has his glasses on.

I got up slowly, trying to figure out how Kris entered my humble abode. He must have found the spare key. I see my bottle of medicine lying on the coffee table. I lift up my shirt and see that there is a slight bluish black bruise on my left side and then I see that my shoulder is swollen. It is a good thing Kris gave me the medicine. The shoulder and my side should heal in two days.

Seeing Kris reminds me that Kris might be confused why I fainted like that but the truth is I don't have anything to say to him.

Kris tempts me to take a glass of cold water and pour it on his head but I then remember that he was nice enough to bring me home and give me the meds. He looks tired so I decide to let him sleep for a while and bend to remove his glasses.

When I touch his glasses to remove them from the bridge of his nose, he wakes up with a jolt which almost sends me tumbling to the ground. He blinks at me in confusion and yawns.
He looks at me and it is then that I notice that my hand is still awkwardly placed on the side of his head to remove his glasses.

"Hi!" Kris mumbled in a confused and deep voice. His voice gave me a weird feeling in my gut and I awkwardly removed my hand from his glasses and stood up straighter.

"Hey, there!" I spoke awkwardly.

Hey, there? Seriously? How lame!

I compose myself and give him a small smile. I think he is about to ask what he is doing in my living room but then he remembers that he was the one who got me home after I fainted.

"Oh right! How are you feeling Christiana? You scared me there when you fainted like that. You should stay at home when you have flu, shouldn't have come to school." Kris mumbled in a still sleepy state as he ran his finger through his hair that was sticking up in odd ways. I eye his movements, wanted to touch his hair myself that seemed soft. I am thinking crazy stuff, I know. Clearly the meds are having a side effect on me.

Oh, he thinks I fainted due to flu. I mentally sighed in relief because now I won't have to explain anything to him.
"Hey, I know it was just some flu. The running must have stressed my body." I said nonchalantly.

Kris chuckled and pointed at my hair after I raised my eyebrows at him. I took a peek at my hair in the screen of the television and see that my hair was sticking out in more odd ways than Kris' hair.

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