12. I Think The Right Term is 'Realist'

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The video above is a trailer for this book, made by the awesome ClauJor4ever  and I love it.

Recap: The last chapter basically showed Kris' point of view. It started when he was about to shut the door on Christiana's face again but Christiana stopped him. She apologises and suggests that she should go own up for what she did with the hacking and Photoshopping but Kris tells her not to do it. They both try to get past their differences but are a bit awkward around each other and still can't go without bickering. In history class, they both are made partners for a project on European Political Personalities and at the end of the day, Kris drops Christiana home because she has no other ride home.

It's my bestie bshetty1 's birthday today! Happy Birthday Bhagyashri!! 😘😘 So this chapter is dedicated to her.

'Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.'~ Edgar Allan Poe.

Christiana's POV:

So basically, you went to Kris and apologized and he didn't accept the
apology before slamming the door twice on your face?" Alex asked
thoughtfully. I nodded my head but realized that Alex can't see me

"Yes, that is exactly what happened. And then we were made project
partners and he had to drop me home as all my rides for home were
MIA." I said. I could almost feel Alex roll her eyes even though I
could not see her.

"Well, you deserved not just one slam of the door on your face but
two." Alex said.

I grumbled. "Aren't you supposed to be my friend? You should be
supporting me and not Kris."

"Now why would I support you if you are in the wrong? Would it cost
you that much to be nice to someone?"

"Neither is the world nor is God nice to me. What will I get by being
nice to them?"

"I don't know. You'll get happiness if you'll see someone be happy at
the kind gesture you offered. Kris was nice to you then why can't you
be nice to him?" Alex chastised.

"I'll try okay? But I can't make any promises because it's not in me
to be nice to someone. The last time I was nice to someone was by
saying thanks to Dylan for giving me a ride." I huffed.

"When did that happen?" Alex wondered.

"It happened last week. I was late and it was almost pouring. He gave
me a ride." Alex had called me just after I had completed my dinner.
She wanted to dish out all the dirt on what went by between Kris and
I. As if there was a lot to tell. She already knew half of it yet she wanted to hear my story if what happened and not what the rumor mill told her.

"You should not associate with Dylan too much. I don't like the guy.
He gives me the wrong vibes." Alex said. She seemed out of it. I
sensed that something had definitely happened.

"Oh I assure you that I won't be associating with Dylan too much. It
was only a onetime thing. I think that there is more to Dylan than he
lets on. Anyways, did something happen between you two?"

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