07. International Food Day.

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The picture above is of Logan Lerman and the video is 'It's Muffin time'. That's the only video that came to my mind when I thought of food. :P

'Falling in love is the most dangerous kind of fall. Especially when you don't have anyone to catch you.'
Christiana's POV-

Sleep. Ah. It's the best thing that can happen to you after a long day. I am such a deep sleeper that I am not aware of anything that is happening around me. Even if I sleep early at night, I will be sleepy and will sleep till late.

I can sleep almost anywhere except my chemistry class. I can sleep on my laptop or book, I can sleep on the couch, I can sleep on a table and I can sleep without my blankets.

My precious, beauty sleep can survive almost every damn thing in the world. It can survive light streaming through the windows, it can survive the sound of my two idiot brothers quarrelling and it can also survive through loud noises from the telly.

What it cannot survive is the spawn of Satan jumping on my queen sized bed and playing Brian's electric guitar. It can survive anything except the torture that Alex does to me when I am sleeping.

According to the score, she has used the water trick on me, she has tickled me in my sleep and she has flipped my mattress a thousand times. This time, as I mentioned, she was definitely jumping on my bed and playing the stupid guitar. The fact that she didn't know how to play was even more atrocious and didn't help my case at all.


Alex just grins and winks. "But you love me, Christy.", Alex says happily. How someone can be a morning person is beyond me.

Hearing me shout about throwing his guitar out of the window, Brian rushes down the stairs and into my room. "No, not my baby Laura. You are not throwing Laura out of this window or any window for that matter. If you do that, I will take your laptop and throw it out of the window and you won't find even a single part together.", Brian threatens. "And you! Alex, don't ever touch my baby. No can do baby doll.", he said to Alex after snatching 'Laura' from her and caressing it.

"Why are all guys so intimate with their possessions is beyond me.", I said while getting up from my amazing bed.

"You worship your laptop and call it lappy.", my brother said while giving me a side glance.

"Touché.", I said while shrugging.

I quickly did the whole morning routine and came down with my bag.

As I sat myself at the table, I saw that Dad had already left for work.

"So Alex, what are you doing here before time? It's not even that late.", I said while a took three of my mom's raspberry waffles on my plate and waited for her to cook the bacon.

"Well, I thought I should give you an amazing morning surprise and also invite myself and have some of Victoria's amazing food.", Alex said while smirking.

"Oh, my cooking is really nothing Alex. In fact, Tiana here is always talking about Sarah's food.", my mom said while looking at me. Alex just laughed while I just gave a sheepish smile.

Alex and I were such besties that having two sleepovers per month was nothing for our mothers. My mom and Alex's mom both were very good friends and I was like a second daughter to Sarah and vice versa.

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