09. Because He makes Justin Bieber Look Straight.

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-----------------------------------------'There is nothing new except what has been forgotten.'
~Marie Antoinette

Kris' POV:

Bang Bang Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!

I banged the two steel plates together continuously.

Bang Bang Bang!

Bang Bang Bang!

Good thing, I was wearing ear plugs in my ears.

I continued with the banging when the monster on the bed shifted and groaned and placed his palms on his ears. He threw a pillow on my face, making me drop the plates with a loud clatter. I immediately smirked and opened the curtains to my brother's windows.

He groaned even more and shouted, "Kris, my head feels like someone threw a pound of bricks at it. Please, I beg of you my dear Lord, shut the curtains and for fucks sake, take the plates away."

"Theodore Watson, I promised you I won't tell Mom and Dad that you were at a party when you were supposed to be studying in your room for you're A-levels, especially when you are grounded but I never promised to maintain silence when you came back with a terrible hangover.", I smirked.

Theo opened his gray eyes and glared at me. "Wakey Wakey, eggs and bakey.", I said with a shrug.

Theo glared even more. "You will regret this."

I just shrugged, "It is worth it. Now, c'mon get up. I will go low on you and keep lemon water and some Tylenol for you."

I went down and prepared some lemon water and painkiller for him. I was a doting brother sometimes.

When Theo came down, I immediately smirked again as I came up with a new plan. I opened the cupboards to remove some utensils and banged the cupboard shut on purpose.

Theo cringed and sat at the table. "Dear brother, why are you doing this to me? Please don't do this to me."

I just winked and continued to smirk as a continued to open any cupboards and drawers I could reach. After all, I was just thirteen.

Theo just kept cringing and glaring at me while pressing his palms on his ears. "Lad, you will pay for this when you reach my age and come home with a hangover. Even if I have to come back from college to irritate you, I will. It's my promise."

By this I remembered that Theo was going to college next year. My mood sullied."Do you have to go to college? Can't you just stay here with me?" I frowned.

"Hey, little man. Don't get upset. Even if I leave, I will always come back and be next to you.", Theo said, making me smile.

"I am thirteen. I am not little.", I said with a huff.

I woke up with a start. Waking up with such haste, gave me a head rush. My head felt like it was being banged against a wall. It wasn't a new feeling. I knew what a hangover was.

Hey! I may be a nerd sometimes but I still knew how to loosen up. Where there was a party, you will find me.

What I had just seen wasn't just a dream. It was a memory. It was too fresh for a four year old one.

It was one of the last real talks I had had with Theo.

He had failed to keep his promise. I looked around everywhere. He was not standing anywhere with plates in his hands or singing out of the tune.

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