15. I Was Not Stalking Anyone!

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'If people were rain, I was drizzle and she was a hurricane.'~ Looking for Alaska

Kris's POV:

I was currently searching the pockets of my coat frantically in search for the house keys that I carried with me. I was currently standing outside my flat, searching for the keys so that I can enter the house without making any ruckus and without mom knowing. Then I can pretend that I came home on time and was there the whole time.

It was seven thirty in the evening and I was supposed to home long ago. When I had checked my phone after leaving Christiana's house, I had found twenty missed calls and eight text messages. Two of them were from Nathan and the rest were from my mom.

When I finally found my keys, the door opened with a speed of lightning bolt and there stood my mom with her hands crossed and she was wearing an apron. I guess I wasn't as silent or inconspicuous as I was aiming to be.

She glared at me as I just scratched my head and gave her an awkward wave. Yep, I was screwed. She was going to kill me for being MIA without informing her.

"Kris, were you planning to enter the house and pretending to be here all the time? Then let me tell you, I was this far from calling the police even though it wasn't twenty four hours yet." She narrowed her eyes and made a gesture with her index finger and thumb indicating how close she was to calling the police on me.

"Hi Mom!" I simply said because I know that there was nothing I could say right now that would be an appropriate enough excuse. Plus, she did not use the nickname she had so fondly given me which means that she was pissed.

"Kris, you were supposed to be home at three! It has been past four hours since then and I have been trying to contact you for the past two hours or so but I got no response. And even though your dad and I are always busy with work, we do know that you don't have your basketball training today." Mom practically screeched and sighed.

"I know Mom I am sorry. It is just that I had to help a friend so I got late. I promise it won't happen again." I said with my best pleading face and voice.

"Which friend? I spoke to Ethan and Nathan and they said you were not with them." Mom queried.

"It was Christiana. She had some kind of flu and she fainted so I took her home and then I lost track of time because even I nodded off." I said.

"Christiana.. The name seems awfully similar to that girl's name who added dye to your shampoo." Mom said in confusion. I rolled my eyes.

"It seems familiar because she was the one who did it." I said.

My hair was back to its normal color but I still remember how angry mom was when she saw the pink hair that day. Then I had to explain her how I had got the hair and she had laughed after hearing the story.

"I had loved what she pulled on your hair but whatever, it better not happen again, young man." My mom said in context to coming late without informing her, as she finally let me enter the house.

"Yes Ma'am!" I jokingly shouted as I went to my room.

"Kris, I am serious!" Mom shouted back but I could feel that she was slightly smiling.

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