08. Oh My Juliet!

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Also, _Chez_ thank you for supporting me and this book.

And btw, the picture above is of Logan Lerman with glasses and the perfect portrayal of Kris! And the video is of Usher's Yeah!
'Don't let my silence be mistaken for peace.'

Christiana's POV:

"And the beast finally awakens! So, my Lord, who committed the felony of waking you up?", my dumb arse brother said while looking at me sideways and smirking.

Brian was sitting on the couch in the living room and flicking through channels on the television when I entered the living room looking like I came directly back from Tartarus.

"Brian, I swear, it is too early on a Saturday morning for me to face your shit.", I grumbled. He just laughed mirthfully.

"Christiana! It's almost twelve. How can you say that is still early? You clean up and come down as quickly as you can or you don't get to have breakfast. You can skip it.", my mom shouted from upstairs.

My mom didn't like it when anyone woke up late in the house but I woke up late anyways. Cue evil laughter. She followed 'Early to bed and early to rise.' Also, did I tell you that my mother had ears like those of a guard dog? She could hear everything that was happening in the house. It was like she had several pairs of ears stuck around the whole house.

"Mom, you need to get soundproof glass for my room windows or I might shoot the birds that chirp every morning outside my room.", I shouted for my mom to hear.

"You are neither getting any soundproof windows nor are you getting a new pair of curtains that are sun proof.", my mom chided. I could feel her making air quotes around sun proof.

"Go and tame the nest that rests on top of your head, little Squirrel. Oooo, that rhymed.", Brian said stupidly and ruffled my hair further.

"Shut up, you little arse.", I said monotonously but carefully so that my mother didn't hear it.

"Tiana! Don't use such words. There is a child with pure ears present in the house", my mom shouted again. I grumbled and dragged myself to the washroom.

Looking in my mirror, I saw that my hair was untamable and did look like a bird's nest.

I brushed my teeth and quickly took a lazy shower. Deciding that today was going to be a day where I didn't need to go out anywhere, I put on my sweatshirt with Pluto the dog on it.

After I brush my hair several or maybe thousand times, I find it to be still untamable. Everyone always say that I have hair that are a little on the unmanageable side. I French braided my hair so that they stay still for the whole day.

I ran into the kitchen and shouted, "Fooood!!! I smell chocolate chip pancakes!"

"Tiana, how many times have I told you not to run around the house? We don't want you breaking your bones!", my mom scolded, holding the spatula in the air and shaking it threateningly in front of me.

I just grinned cheekily and said, "Nothing and nobody is stopping me from doing whatever I like."

Something flashed in my mom's eyes which looked like worry before she rolled her eyes.

I sat at the table and chomped on my mom's scrumptious pancakes.

"Woah please slow down and eat properly, Squirrel. Why do you always eat in such a hurry?", Brian asked as he entered the kitchen.

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