6-The book of Sais

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The open waters were clear. The small speed boat was cruising as the sun was beginning to set on the horizon.

"Hey sanchez. This thing have tv?" Drew chuckled before he took a drink of his bottled water. Tom shook his head.

"Calm down drew. We're almost there. The stars should be coming out soon."

He opened his pocket notebook and studied the constellation he copied down. He moved his long sleeve shirt under his blue vest to readjust his medallion necklace.

"I hope we get a good clue out of this." Drew said.

"Maybe. Plato did say Atlantis was beyond the pillars of hercules." Tom said.

"All I got to say is you two are a loco pair. You're obviously following a myth." Sanchez,the driver of the boat and old friend of emily's wore a white flannel and jeans.

"Well everyone needs a hobby. Right Rich?" He laughed.

"Sure drew." Tom replied. On each side,up ahead,the two pillars of hercules could be seen. On the right side,the African contient stood. The Jebel Musa mountain reached the skies.

The left side was spain. The south rock,the mount stood high as well. One pillar held hidden history. The constellation of Orion and Canis Major's brightest star reveals the right one.

Tom sat in the boat shivering. "Should have brought a damn coat." He mumbled. Drew heard it.

"Hey I warned you it would be chilly when the sun went down."

Sanchez stopped the boat at the strait. Tom still shivered with his gray polo shirt and tan cargo pants.

"Hold on big guy. It'll be warmer when we go inland." Drew said.

He looked up to the clear skies and millions of stars. "Hey sanchez. You got that scope?" He asked.

"Sure drew." He handed the scope to him. "Thanks."

Drew looked into the night sky only to see millions of stars.
"This may be a challenge." Drew said.

"Yeah there's a lot of them."

"The easiest way to do it is look for three stars that look like a roof if you were to connect the dots." Tom said. "Then you find all of the stars in a vertical row that form Orion's bow"

 "Then you find all of the stars in a vertical row that form Orion's bow"

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This is all drew could see. Millions of speckled dots across the pitch black sky. As he began moving,he found something.

 As he began moving,he found something

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