20-Senses of cloaked truths

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Drew sat at a desk in an audience of many students. Professor Richardson was lecturing.

"I'm giving you all the choice to write about a lost city that interests you. Some are going to be the same as others but what matters most are your facts and opinions the city."

He dismissed the class and drew waited for the class to empty. Rich walked to his desk to throw a Reeses at him. "Plato says hi." The two shared a laugh "see ya tomorrow drew." He said as Andrew began to walk out.

"See ya professor." He then went to his dorm as he prepared to type a paper on his laptop. His roommate was already asleep in his bed.

"We have a lead." One of Flint's associates told him. Raphael turned around in his office chair. He saw what the man tossed on his desk.

Pictures and paintings of a fountain were on a paper attatched with a note.

The note read: "I've seen these types of artifacts before. I am here to say I can help. Come find me. Your leads can tell you where to go. Good luck
-Hayden" Flint laughed.

"Good. I'll get right on it. Ah. The fountain of youth." He said.

"I guess I can only rely on myself for this one." Flint said as he grabbed a pistol from under his desk and stood up. He grabbed the papers and walked out of the room.

Drew read the paper he had written to himself.

"I have seen many things in life. But one lost city will never compare to life itself. The lost city of Atlantis was once hidden from man due to trust. One man, plato of Athens showed us the way. But to only those who proved they knew and understood the concept of greed."

"Many trials have led to many more to find a city full of treasures only awarded to those not gripped by greed. What was lost is now found. Atlantis is an island mistaken for a continent. The city itself is a citidel dedicated to the Greek gods of Olympus. Made of various rare metals, it is a city built to last through ages."

"The island was built upon an unstable continental plate. Unknown at the time, the Atlantean people were obligated build a way to control this plate to prevent a massive cataclysm. But they failed in the end. The one machine they built became their end. This goes to show what fear can do."

"My name is Andrew Fox and I'm an explorer, a revealer of lost truths and a descendant of Atlantis. Even though I've seen the city myself, I still have alot to learn because our senses can only detect so much. Like a wise man once said: What we have are senses of cloaked truths that lie under the cracks of a misunderstood world."


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