Author's note

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Hello and thank you for reading my story. I'm sorry it was so short. I only wrote this one see what you guys think of it and to see what I can do better. I am planning to do a trilogy of this. The next two will be longer and so much better. I promise. I only ask one thing from those who read my story.

Please leave comments and tell me what you thought of it. It really means alot and it lets me know what I can so better in my next stories. Also comment any mistakes you see. (I'm terrible at seeing this kind of stuff.) I'm new to typing out my stories and im not fully sure how to structure some things yet.

So comment and leave me some tips if you like. It is really appreciated.  Thank you so much.

-Alex Miller

P.S. Comment and tell me what lost cities you'd like to See in my third story. I'll do some research on the cities you choose. And if you'd like me to read any of your stories and leave feedback, i will be more than happy to do that for you. Feel free to message me or comment on this note if you want to ask😃 Thank you.

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