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PETER'S LEG BOUNCED AND HIS HEART POUNDED. He reviewed the plan in his mind, but the instructions unconsciously repeated themselves. The mask laid on his legs and his finger anxiously traced the lines of the materials, his hands rolled it and unrolled it several times before being interrupted by Tony every time the sound got annoying.

"What if we can't make it, Pietro?" Wanda whispered in her brother's ear. The silver-haired boy placed an arm around her shoulders in a protective manner. "We can't lose them too."

"We won't, sister." He placed a gentle kiss on the crown of her head, sighing afterwards. "They are very strong, I know they are alive."

Peter exhaled deeply and decided to finally sit stilll, his leg unconsciously began bouncing up and down again as he clasped his hands together. He intertwined his own fingers together and his eyes watched as they flew over the cold weather of Sokovia.

"In 5 minutes we will be landing on the HYDRA base." A mechanic voice echoed inside the helicopter.

"Thanks, F.R.I.D.A.Y."

Peter really wanted to ask why he had named his program Friday, but decided to keep his mouth shut because they would land any moment, and he was too nervous to say or do anything besides do what he was told to do: find Cassie. After six months of not seeing her bright smile and warm eyes, the boy was ready to fight anyone who stepped on his way to find the girl.

"Everyone knows what to do?" Clint asked, looking at the people around him. "Tony, you and I will distract the guards. Wanda and Natasha will get Pietro and Peter in. Peter and Pietro, you find the Harding siblings." He shortly explained, everyone nodded.

Everything happened really fast. First, Peter was putting on his mask to fight, then, he landed on the cold, iced ground of Sokovia and began throwing webs and punches at the guards jumping to him. He watched as a blue and silver light flew around them and the guards ended up unconscious on the snow.

"Pietro! Peter! This way!" Wanda yelled, catching their attention.

Peter made his way to the big door Wanda was stood in front of and walked into the massive building with determination. His eyes scanned the place in search of Cassie, but it was extremely dark, even for his eyes.

"Parker! Watch out!" He snapped his head to where Pietro was pointing at.

Before Peter could do anything, someone jumped to him, catching him out of guard. He heard the gasps of the twins as he tried to fight the person with all the strength he could.

"Charlie!" Pietro yelled, but the young man didn't stop trying to punch Peter. "Stop! We came for you and Cassie!"

Charlie stopped fighting and turned to look at the Maximoff twins behind him, their blue eyes widened at the sight in front of them and Peter rapidly stood up on his feet. The man wore black from head to toe.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Charlie grumbled, looking between the Sokovian twins.

Right after those words left his lips, everything became a fuzz. Charlie continued to fight Peter, but the boy wasn't easy to fight, and he thanked Natasha for that. Despite his incredible reflects, Peter gave a good fight. Sadly, he had to let the twins go to rescue Cassie since he was busy avoiding getting killed.

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