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CASSIE DIDN'T GO TO SCHOOL. It made Peter worry about her and her well being. He felt strange not having someone to pass notes in class and sharing knowledge with, he only had his usual friends to talk to, but they weren't as interesting as she was.

It was time to leave when Peter walked to his locker to search for some books, his chestnut eyes were glued to the metallic cubicle as he scanned each title to find the Chemistry book. He jumped when a hand on his back made him turn around almost instantly.

"Jesus!" He closed his eyes at the sight of his friends laughing at him. "Y–You scared me, guys."

"Missing Cassie too much?" Harry asked, raising his eyebrows with amusement.

Harry Osborn and Peter had been friends since they have memory, and when Peter got the news his friend was transferring to Midtwon High, he was beyond happy. Even though Harry's arrival to the school created unnecessary drama, most of it was caused by him, between him and Cassie, he was grateful to have Harry as friend.

"Leave him alone. He's probably just tired." Michelle stepped in, nudging the tall boy next to her.

And Michelle, well, Michelle was something else. They shared several classes and ended up being friends out of nowhere, he was completely aware of the big crush she had on him, but he always tried to push back those thoughts.

Peter was head over heels for Cassie, and it frustrated him.

It frustrated him because he perfectly knew he was waiting for something that obviously wasn't going to happen. Cassie was way out of his league, it broke his heart, and he was breaking Michelle's heart in the way.

"Peter." And there was Ned, who stood there awkwardly.

Ned and Peter met in freshman year, they were in the same classes and their friendship blossomed because of the endless list of things they had in common. Asides from that, during Science class, they were the last ones without a partner and ended up being the winners for the science fair of that year. Aunt May prepared a big dinner for him and his friends that day, they couldn't eat anything else for two days straight.

"I'm sorry. I zoned out for a moment." Peter rambled, shaking his head and turned around to take the last books from the locker.

"Is it true, then?" Michelle asked, smiling widely at him and playing with her hair with her free hand, the other was holding a few books against her chest. "That Cassie was abducted by aliens."

"Don't be stupid, Elle. Aliens don't exist." Ned rolled his eyes. "She probably switched schools for a few months, right?" He turned to meet a confused gaze from Peter.

"Y–Yeah." He nodded rigorously, clinging his backpack on his shoulders. "She was at a school in Brooklyn. She told me herself." He lied.

"I told you!" Harry exclaimed with happiness, Michelle rolled her eyes and walked next to her friends. "You guys owe me 5 bucks. Each." He winked, causing the other two to snort loudly.

"You wish if you think I'm going to give you my money." Michelle said as she played with her hair.

Peter watched every step he took as he tried to pay attention to what his friends were saying, but it was useless, his mind always drifted back to the small, brown eyed girl that managed to leave him breathless.

"Hey, do you want me to drop you off?" Harry asked at Ned, who seemed more interested on his phone than the small conversation.

"If you're feeling generous." He shrugged, making the other two laugh. "See you later, guys." They both waved at the pair standing alone in the entrance of the school.

"So–" Michelle began, taking a step closer to the awkward boy.

"Can I ask you a question?" Peter spoke nervously as he shoved his hands inside the pockets of his jeans.

Michelle smiled happily.


Peter clasped his hands together as he wandered around the Stark tower in search of his friend and his new boss. He dropped his backpack and books on the laboratory and turned to make his way to the small living room.

His eyes landed on Cassie sitting cross-legged on one of the couches with her brown eyes lost in the massive view in front of her. He smiled mischievously and silently walked to her.

"Don't even try it." Cassie spoke out, turning her head to meet his gaze. Her small finger flew to her temple in a mocking manner, he laughed. "Remember who you are talking to."

"You didn't go to school today." Peter pointed, sitting on the couch next to her. He rested his elbows on his knees and turned his head to look at her directly at her big eyes.

"I'm grounded." She explained, sitting cross-legged in front of him to meet his gaze, her eyes scanned the side of his face with curiosity.

The boy snorted loudly. "Why?" He asked, smiling at her. Cassie laughed, the kind of laugh he enjoyed. She threw her head back and clasped her hands together; honestly, he didn't know what was so funny but it made him chuckle as well. "Mr. Stark thinks not going to school is a punishment?"

"Apparently." She shrugged, looking down at her sneakers. "He was furious. I feared for my life for a pair of seconds, then the others stepped in and he calmed down a bit." Peter chuckled lightly.

They both stayed in silence as they looked at each other with small smiles plastered on their faces. Cassie looked down at her hands as a light blush began to take over her cheeks, Peter smiled fondly at her.

"Thank you, by the way." She began, looking back at him. "If it wasn't for you, it'd probably be back in HYDRA."

"I'd look for you even if he said no." The boy tilted his head to the side, pursuing his lips together and examining his web shooter. 

She smiled. "You know," Cassie leaned closer to whisper in his ear, it made goosebumps to appear on the back of his neck. "He still remembers me. I read his mind."

"But he–" Peter started, frowning with confusion. "Why did he–?"

"I don't know. But you need to help me find a cure for whatever they gave him." Her eyes scanned the room, making sure no one was listening to them. Peter did it too. "Please." They both widened their eyes when Cassie held his hand tight, but she didn't let go. The warmth of his hand made her feel giddy inside.

"Okay. I'll do it." He nodded, smiling when Cassie jumped to him and hugged his neck with happiness. "That's what friends are for."

Cassie wouldn't admit it to him, but his words broke her heart, and they broke Peter's heart too.

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