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BRYANT PARK WAS SURPRISINGLY PACKED. Cassie exhaled sharply as her big, chocolate eyes scanned the massive park and the amount of tourists around them. Her free hand searched for her slice of pizza and took a big bite, completely oblivious to the fact that her boyfriend had been staring at her lovingly for a few minutes.

Peter's smile grew wider as he admired his girlfriend with love, his finger traveled over her arm up to her neck and lastly her cheek. The brunette stopped chewing to meet his gaze and pressed her lips together as she looked down to hide the blush in her cheeks.

"How are you feeling?" He asked softly, cupping the side of her face in his long hand. "Do you need anything?"

"I'm fine." She smiled, scooting closer to his body. "Right now I only need cuddles."

The boy smiled. His hand shyly traveled around her waist and pulled her body close to his, Cassie chuckled as she rested the side of her face against his chest. Peter's chest vibrated as he laughed softly.

"Your breath tickles." He pointed, bringing his hand up to trance random shapes in her arm.

"It doesn't!"

Peter opened his mouth to talk but the sound of his ringtone interrupted him. He frowned with confusion and sat straight on the small blanket they were laying on. Cassie stared up at him with confusion and took another slice of pizza. The boy laughed quietly as he answered the phone.

"Who is it?" She mouthed at him.

But Peter was too busy to notice her eyes looking at him. The girl sighed deeply and sat straight on the blanket she knew Peter probably stole from Aunt May's rack. Her fingers anxiously played with the fabric as she focused to read her boyfriend's mind to see what was happening and check the person he was talking to.

"Alright." He nodded one last time and ended the call. "We gotta go."

"What's wrong?" Cassie asked, catching his attention. Peter sighed as he started to gather everything.

"Mrs. Stark wants to see you immediately in the tower." He explained quickly. "He says he has bad news."


Cassie anxiously followed Peter through the busy streets, she tightened her grip around his hands as she jogged to keep up with his pace. She exhaled sharply as soon as they entered the tower and quickly jumped into the closest elevator.

"Hey, calm down." Peter frowned as soon as he caught the sight of her trembling legs. He walked to her and pressed his lips over hers. "I'm here with you, okay? I bet nothing's wrong."

"Yeah." Cassie sighed, chewing her lower lip with nervousness.

Peter's hand slid around her shoulders and pulled her head to the safety of his chest. His chestnut eyes traveled over the box of buttons and waited to get to the tallest floor. Cassie took advantage of their closeness to close her eyes and focus of the touch of his warm chest against her cheek.

"Listen," Peter started, catching her attention. "I want you to know that no matter what happens... I love you."

Cassie smiled widely, "I love you too." She spoke quietly and placed a meaningful kiss over his lips.

After the doors opened, the teenagers stepped outside with quick movements and walked to the living room where Tony and the others were waiting for them with serious expressions in their faces.

"What's wrong?" Cassie asked softy, tightening her grip around Peter's hand. She gulped as soon as she caught the sight of Stella sitting on the couch. "What are you doing here?" She snapped bitterly.

"You need to sit." Pietro walked to her with a sad smile. Her alarm started ringing inside her head as she furiously tried to read everyone's mind to find what was happening. "Cassie,"

Cassie, not Bonita. Something's wrong, she thought.

"Is Charlie okay?" She instantly questioned, looking up at the silver haired boy.

"Yes, he's fine." He nodded.

Peter sighed deeply as he tried to guide her to the couch, but she was frozen in the spot as she dangerously looked at Stella in the other side of the room.

"Listen, Cassie, this is not easy to say. You are now part of this family–" Steve started, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Cut the crap, Rogers." Tony bitterly snapped, turning around to face the girl. The man walked to her and sighed deeply. "You have to pack your things, Cassie. You have to go to a group home with Stella."

Cassie felt like someone had punched her in the stomach. She pressed her lips together as she looked down and tried to keep herself calm and try to think positive, when in reality, every inch of her body vibrated with rage, she felt like a bomb that was about to explode and destroy everything in its way.

"They believe you–Well, they believe you attempted to end with your life and–" Steve informed.

"But I didn't!" The brunette argued, her throat burning because of the sudden use of her voice. "You all know I didn't!"

"We know but–"

"Since you are in the system, you need to go to the group home." Stella finished, catching Cassie's attention.

"You–" Her finger shakily pointed at the young woman looking at her. "This is your fault." She let go of Peter's grip to take long steps towards her.

"Cassie," Tony called for her as the girl almost threw herself over Stella, but Pietro was faster and had her already in his arms. "Cassie–"

"When Charlie wakes up I'm going to make sure he knows what you have done." The brunette warned, pointing at her through Pietro's arms around her and stopping her from balancing herself over the young woman. "I'm going to make sure he dumps the poor excuse of–"

"Silence." Tony raised his voice, making her stop in her tracks. "It's the law, and there's nothing we can't do about it. She's only doing her job, okay?"


"Okay?" He repeated, Cassie sighed.

"Whatever." She pressed her lips together. "This is not over."

"Cassie!" Tony exclaimed, making her flinch. "Go pack your things." He ordered. "Don't worry, by tomorrow morning you'll be back here, with us. I'll call my lawyer to make quick the adoption process–"

"You don't understand, do you?" She laughed bitterly, then she turned to Stella. "You didn't tell them, right?"

"Tells us what?" Peter broke the silence, reminding everyone that he was still there.

"Once I get into the adoption system as a 'troubled kid', the adoptions will freeze until the leaders of the group home say that I'm good enough to leave the house." Cassie explained, Peter searched for her hand as soon as he caught the sight of her hand shaking uncontrollably. "Which means I won't come back until–" she turned to Stella, then sighed. "Until Stella says I'm good to go."

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