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Every move seemed difficult for Cassie, no matter how much she tried to heal and be better for the sake of everyone's happiness, it seemed physically impossible. Even sitting caused her a massive pain.

She looked down at her lap as Wanda combed her hair in a nice hairstyle. Pietro and Peter were watching the scene in silence as Cassie played with the edge of the white sheet and glanced back at the cast in her arm.

"You look so pretty, Cassie." Wanda smiled sweetly, searching for the small mirror inside her bag.

Her brown eyes flickered from the cast to Peter, who was smiling sweetly at her. She half-smiled and turned her head to look back at Wanda and her reflection on the small mirror. It was a normal yet adorable half crown that made her face look slightly better, even with the bruises and cuts in it. Cassie's fingers brushed past her skin and then her hair, she smiled and turned to Wanda.

"Do you like it?" The brunette nodded and Wanda's smile grew wider. "I'm glad."

Cassie looked back at her reflection and pressed her lips together. She didn't call herself superficial, but seeing her face that way made stomach drop to the floor. Putting the mirror down and looking away, the girl closed her eyes to suppress the tears and exhaled deeply.

"How is Cassie doing?" Her head snapped up to see Bruce walking into the room with a smile. "Oh, you look really pretty." She smiled.

"She does, doesn't she?" Pietro smiled, looking at the girl.

"Yes, she does." Bruce nodded and looked down at the pad in his hands. "I brought the results of your last x-rays tests." He waved them in the air, and Cassie gulped. "I examined them and your arm is healing perfectly, but you need to wear the cast for another four weeks." Peter and the twins nodded.

"And her ribs?"

"It seems like her ribs have healed perfectly, thanks to the remains of chemicals HYDRA implemented on them." Bruce informed, then turned to Cassie. "But you need to go easy on them, alright?" She nodded.

"So, she can move to her room now?" Pietro asked almost instantly, standing up from the uncomfortable couch.

"It seems like she's ready, yes." Bruce nodded with a small smile.

"I'll go get it clean, then." The silver-haired boy nodded and kissed Cassie's forehead before walking out of the room.

"I want to see you walk, Cassie. It's that okay?" Bruce turned to the brunette, who swallowed loudly and nodded hesitantly.

Peter uncrossed his arms and dropped to his sides before standing up, Tony walked into the room as soon as he caught the sight of the girl putting the sheets away from her legs.

Cassie carefully sat on the edge of the bed and rested her hands on it, sighing deeply, she tried to push herself up. She stretched a hand out and Peter instantly took it, making her smile weakly as she felt the cold floor make contact with her barefoot feet. She pressed her lips together as she held Peter's hands tightly and closed her eyes when her knees betrayed her, but the boy was there to catch her before she could even touch the floor.

"Easy there." Peter smiled, holding her elbows and effortlessly pulling her up. "You can do this." She smiled as she pulled herself up with his help.

She exhaled deeply and held his hand as her eyes locked with his. Peter smiled sweetly and the girl took a step, and then another. Her shaky legs weren't a limitation for her to stop walking. The boy hesitantly let go of her hands and Cassie chewed her lower lip as she walked with hesitation.

"You're doing it amazing." Peter clasped his hands together as he watched her walk to the other side of the room.

Without a sign, Cassie's legs betrayed her once again and she fell on her knees on the cold floor. Wanda gasped and stepped forward to help the brunette on the floor, but Peter was quick and he had already kneeled next to her.

"Hey, I'm here. Cassie, it's fine." He reassured.

Cassie looked down at her hand resting on the floor and then back at her cast, she felt her walls breaking down as tears cascaded down her pale cheeks. Fists of sobs started to uncontrollably leave her mouth as she felt her eyes blinking furiously to try and stop the tears. Peter sighed deeply and pulled her small body to him as she buried her head in the crook of his neck and he tangled his arm around her in a supportive manner.

"I'm here. Shh, you are going to be fine. I promise." He whispered in her ear as she sobbed in the warmth of his neck. Peter interlaced his fingers with hers. "Everything is going to be fine, I'm right here with you." Cassie controlled herself and sighed. "Hey, look at me." He cupped her face in his warm hands. "You are going to be fine, I promise. Don't give up yet, I know it seems really difficult but I promise you that you'll get through it because I'll be next to you and you are not alone. You have me and everyone here in the tower, okay?" Cassie nodded.

Tony smiled. He knew Cassie was in good hands.

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