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PETER PULLED HIS HAIR WITH FRUSTRATION, he felt the last piece of his heart breaking at the echo of Cassie's words inside his mind. To ease the pain, he began to pace around the room, eyes on him and unspoken words were the first thing he noticed when he looked at the adults.

"She's right." He managed to say, clasping his trembling hands together. "I should've forced him, wrap him around the webs or something!"

"It's not your fault, Peter." Natasha said quietly, taking short steps to him. "She wasn't thinking straight when she said that. You need to calm down."

"I can't calm down when the girl I love hates me!"

"I don't think she hates you, Peter." James stepped in, placing his hand on the boy's shoulder. "Remember she lost her parents at a young age, and losing her brother too must be a massive heartbreak for her. Give her time."

"I need air." Peter stated, making his way out of the room.

"Did everyone hear him? He just dropped the L bomb!" Tony said, making the other two to roll their eyes. "Come back before midnight!" He yelled as Peter slammed the door behind him.

"Let him be." Natasha murmured. "He's just heartbroken."


Peter intertwined his own fingers together as he scanned the busy streets of New York. His mind was flooding with millions of thoughts for minute, second almost; in all of them, Cassie was the main attraction.

The boy didn't fight back the smile at the thought of her voice echoing the four walls of his brain. No matter how sad, tired or angry he was, Cassie's voice would always make him change his mood. That was the impact the girl made on him.

He absolutely hated the idea of Cassie hating him, and he did everything he could to push back those words, her words. That moment, he felt pathetic for doing everything he could to find her, and she loathed him.

It didn't seem fair for him, but again, life's not fair, and Cassie herself said that several times. Those were the words she would say after winning a match against him, he would pretend to be mad and she would laugh.

Oh, boy. The sound of her laugh will always be music for Peter's ears. The way she would throw her head back, or sometimes she would cover her smile with her hand, something Peter didn't like because he loved to see her smile; every single thing about Cassie Harding was art for his eyes.

The moon made him company, but he felt like it was too much for him and his broken heart. Slowly, he walked away from the edge of the rooftop and entered back into the tower with silent steps. His eyes scanned the corridor as he walked through it, he was hoping to avoid the other Avengers, and the mission succeeded.

Peter slammed the door behind him and jumped to the king size bed before him. A deep sigh escaped his lips as soon as his head made contact with the comfortable mattress. He closed his eyes with annoyance as he grabbed the card and held it above his eyes.

"Too much thinking?" The boy instantly sat straight at the sound of Natasha's voice inside the room.

"What the—" He frowned, eyeing the woman leaning on the doorframe. She wore a serious expression on her features. "You scared me."

"Sorry about that." She half-smiled, making her way into the room. "Did it help?"

"What?" Peter asked, resting his elbows on his knees.

"Going outside. Did it help to clear your mind?" Natasha asked, taking a seat next to him. Peter shook his head. "You can't get her out of your head, right?"

"It's not that I can't," The young boy exhaled, glancing down at his hands. "I don't want to." Natasha smiled. "And I know you probably think that this is just a stupid high school crush, but that's the thing with Cassie, she's not a simple crush. Her whole presence makes me feel things." He ranted, pacing around the room. "Things I never felt before, and that terrifies me."

"How's that?"

"Because she's out of my league." Peter confessed, looking away from the woman's intense glare. "And if I thought about that before, now I know it's true."

"This is too dramatic for me." Tony's voice interrupted the silence of the room as he walked in, rolling his eyes and plopping down the bed.

"I don't recall inviting you in." Natasha grumbled, looking at the man.

"Listen, kid," Tony began, ignoring his partner's snarky remark. "Girls come and go, but what you need to focus on is the important things—"

"What Tony is trying to say," Natasha butted in, sending the man a death glare. "Is that overthinking can be bad for you. You have a big battle ahead and having your head full to stressful thoughts can make you damage."

Peter stayed silent, looking at his hands with a frown.

He understood what they were trying to say, but deep inside his head he knew it would be hard to forget Cassie. Even for a day.

INVISIBLE | P. PARKERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang