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CASSIE'S WATERY EYES met Peter's through the dusty window of the car, she fixed the strap of her backpack and pressed her lips together in a vain attempt to suppress the pain of seeing him so broken and miserable.

Shakily, she placed the palm of her hand against the cold window to try and break it and run away from the horrible destiny that was waiting for her in New Jersey, she wanted to use her invisibility to leave the car and everyone behind, to be with the people she loved.

Peter's face relaxed as he placed his rather long hand over hers in the window, catching her off guard and causing a lump to form in her throat. She watched as the car began to move and soon the tall figure of the boy she loved so much became just a blur, along with the figures of the people she deeply cared about.

"It's for your own good, Cassie–" Stella placed her hand over the girl's shoulder, but she scooted away from her. "Cassie–"

"Don't call me Cassie." The brunette snapped as she cleaned the tears in her cheeks with the back of her hand. "For you, just Cassandra."

"Listen, I know you probably hate me but–"

"Probably?" Cassie's head snapped to her right where Stella was staring at her with a sad frown on her features. "I hate you, with a burning passion that I don't even know how that's possible. Now stop talking to me, I don't want to hear you."

"Well, you have to hear me because we are going to live in the same house for months whether you like it or not." The young woman said sternly.

"You're an horrible person. I don't know what Charlie saw in you." The teenager said with venom in her voice, and Stella really tried to not get Cassie's words get to her. "No wonder why he liked Wanda better." She murmured.


"I wasn't talking to you."

As Cassie stared at the window, she caught the sight of a figure flying over them. She gasped loudly as her eyes rapidly followed Peter and suppressed the smile that was desperately trying to form onto her features. Stella did notice, but she decided to stay silent as she watched the girl desperately trying to be seen by the boy.

"Does he know that he can't follow us? And that he can't come to visit?" Stella spoke up, trying to ease the tension.

"I know." Cassie muttered, not moving her gaze from the window. "One of the misfortunes of being a troubled kid, right?"

"I'm really trying to fix our friendship, Cassie." Stella said as she stared at the road with a sad expression.

"I didn't know we had a friendship in the first place." The brunette whispered as she searched for a gum inside her backpack.

"Why do you hate me so much, Cassie? What did I do for you to treat me like this?"

"You really want to know why?" The girl asked as she shifted on her seat in the small car. "Well, I hate you because you're so determined to make my life miserable."

"I don't want that, Cassie. I really don't. I want you to be happy."

"Well, show it."

"I'm showing it! Bringing you here with me!"

Cassie laughed bitterly, "You seriously think that bringing me here is making my life better? Well, let me tell you something, it won't. You know why? Because I was being happy for once, and I was around people that cared for me and loved me, and you literally took that away from me."

"It's my job, Cassie–"

"I told you to not call me Cassie!" The girl exclaimed. "Now can you please stop asking questions? It's none of your business how I'm feeling! The only thing you need to care about is that I feel like shit and it's all your fault!"

Stella didn't say anything, she knew it would make things worse if words came out of her mouth. Her brown eyes stared at the brunette with sadness, and eventually sat straight and turned her head to the window. Cassie did the same, and as she did so, she had to hold onto the fabric of her old jeans with strength, she wanted to scream and let all the anger out.

"I'm sorry this is happening to you." Stella whispered.

Cassie pressed her lips together, trying to calm the urge of jumping out of the car. Her brown eyes blinked several tears full of anger and frustration, but stayed still.

"Please give me a second chance." The girl snorted. "Cassie?"

"Second chances are bullshit." She muttered. "It's only an excuse that last little time, and then they break your heart again."

"Cassie..." Stella reached out to gently place her hand above Cassie's, but she had already wiggled hers out. "I–"

"You're sorry, I know." She turned her head back at Stella. "But saying sorry is not only about gently holding my hand and expecting everything gets fixed. Sorry is about actions, and from my perspective, you're not sorry. Not a single bit."

INVISIBLE | P. PARKEROpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz