CHAPTER 3. Leah.

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I growled and launched my math book across the room. I hate math. Half the stuff in there I will never use again in my life. All it does is make my head hurt. I like to think I'm pretty smart, but I just can't get Math's. Sam's the opposite, he loved math, he was good at nearly everything.

"Uh oh, Mama wolf's a bit angry" Paul stood at the door with a sleeping Mason in his arms grinning at me "Math?"

"You know me too well" I teased smiling at the sight in front of me "I have always sucked at it and I will always suck at it"

"That's not the only thing you like to suck"

"That doesn't even make sense... idiot"

"Yeah but you love this idiot"


"Barely" Paul mimicked in a high pitched voice. 

"Don't you have somewhere else to be? Don't you have your own homework to be doing?" 

"Now you sound like my mother" he teased back chuckling a little "Speaking of, she wants to know when she will see our son" we all know 'son' was not the word she used. 

Mrs Lahote hates me and she hates Mason, she refers to him as her sons 'bastard'. Never around me or the guys, just to Paul, she has tried to take Mason from me twice now and refuses to believe I am a capable mother. 

Let us just say that the hate is mutual on my behalf. 

"How about never?" I started clearing off my books and pens.

"I said the same thing, but when I said it, I got slapped" That doesn't surprise me in the slightest, Paul's mum is crazy.

In the time it took me to clear my stuff off of my bed Paul must have placed Mason in his cot because he ended up behind me with his arms around my waist and his chin on my shoulder.

Being like this with Paul just makes me feel safe and calm.

"I don't know how you do it; it's tough for me just seeing him when I can. I haven't slept in 2 days, I'm pretty sure I've been in these clothes all week. I'm just lucky that I have a naturally sexy scent... Tell me what your secret to being so awake is?"

"I drink a lot of coffee" I spun out of his arms, and started to pull back my sheets. We made a deal, for Mason's sake we would stop being with each other, it'd just be harder in the end if Paul imprinted "Well, I'm pretty tired so..." I trailed off hoping he would get the point and leave but Paul switching back to his Paulness jumped in my bed and pulled the covers tight around himself.

"Thank god! I'm like a zombie, would you mind getting the lights?" he snuggled up to my pillow shutting his eyes.

"Get out of my bed" I tried to pull the covers off of him but his werewolf strength topped my human strength. "Paul get out" I leaned over and tapped his head. 

"But I'm tired too! Please? No funny business... unless you want to?" he cracked open his eye and peeked at me. I kept my glare strong and he quickly closed his eyes again and pretended to snore.

"Touch me with any part of your body and you will find it chopped off in the morning" I groaned climbing into my bed, sticking to the edge, as far away as possible from Paul as possible.

"Deal" he already sounded out of it so I left him to sleep. Once I heard Paul's breathing soften and a slight snore come out of his mouth I rolled back over. 

Paul and Mason have the exact same frown when they're sleeping, the same scrunched up nose. 

I pulled the pillow out from under my head and placed it between us. I can't risk it...

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