Chapter 52. Big Day.

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"Do you remember when Mason was this small?" Paul took Malia out of her crib and rocked her.

"I remember you dropped him"

"That was one time!" We both laughed remembering how bad we were when we first came home from the hospital. We had no idea what to do and we were too stubborn to accept help from anyone else at first "And that was your fault for scaring me"

"He was such a little buddha baby, with a fat head" Paul laughed at the memories and looked down at Malia.

"Lucky for you Malia doesn't have a fat head. I will never forget how much you hated me after you had Mason because of his big head that you had to squeeze out" I shook my head at him and finished changing Mason's nappy.

Everyone was outside wedding prepping. They were getting the food ready and the reception area ready. It was just a small wedding with family in Emily and Sam's backyard. Alice had organised everything with a little help from all the Cullen's and the pack.

Our wedding was happening this afternoon. We couldn't wait so we figured as soon as it could be organised than we would just do it, it took a total of 2 months for Alice to get the wedding together. It didn't have to be perfect. Just as long as we loved each other then the wedding didn't matter as much.

A lot has happened in the last 2 months. Everyone worked through day and night to get our house ready and it turned out better than I could have ever imagined. It had a beautiful feel to it, just like a cabin in the woods should be. They put an extension and a second story on the garage so it was big enough for the family. Downstairs was the bathroom, living, dining and kitchen area while upstairs was 3 bedrooms, Alice had put some modern touches on it but just enough to keep it mine and Jacob's style. Mason and Malia had their own rooms and Jake and I had our own space in our room. It was absolutely perfect. 

It was lunch time and Paul was hanging out with me while the others put the finishing touches on the garden. I felt sorry for them, Alice was a slave driver and she had a very specific image. 

I was confined to my room for the day. Alice said she'd be up soon to start getting me ready and  until then, it was Paul, me and the kids. I watched Paul with Malia and I couldn't help but have flashbacks to how it used to be with Mason. Paul was a great dad and Rachel is a lucky girl to have him. He will be an amazing father to their children as well.

"What does your dress look like?"

"You'll have to wait and see" I teased Paul. Out of everything Alice at least let me pick out my own dress and the dress for my bridesmaid. Leah was my only bridesmaid and Embry is Jacob's best man. Mason will bring down the rings so he gets to dress up in a little suit and I almost dies when he first tried it on, he is just too cute.

"Nearly 2 years ago I could have imagined that as you and me getting married. It probably would have been if this whole wolf thing never happened. Thank god it did though. I would never have met Rachel and you wouldn't have met Jacob and this beautiful nugget would never have existed" 

"I was thinking that exact thing the other night. But I wouldn't have had it any other way. I love Jacob with all my heart" We swapped and I took Malia to change her nappy and Paul took Mason to get him something to eat. 

Seen as I wasn't actually allowed to leave my room other than to go to the toilet, Paul was making lunch downstairs and then bringing it up after.

I can't believe the big day is finally here. I'm getting married to Jacob Black. 

"Olivia? are you ready?" Alice didn't even knock, she just barged in followed by Rosalie, Bella and Leah. "Alright Leah sit down so we can get started. Olivia after you eat we will start on you" I silently thanked Paul for taking so long to cook lunch, it means I get a few more minutes without getting attacked with makeup and hair products.

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