Chapter 34. News.

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How do I tell him? How do you change someones life forever. How do you give someone that kind of news?

It had been a few days since Carlisle told me the news and I haven't had the guts to say anything to anyone. I haven't had the guts to go see Carlisle either, I was afraid of what everyone was going to say. 

I just kept telling everyone I needed time with Mason, so I didn't have to go on patrol or phase at all.

They'd all know soon enough, in a few months I will start showing and then I won't be able to hide it at all. This isn't exactly the best time for it either, with the big fight coming, what if they don't all make it back? What if they all die?

Jacob snored and snuggled his head deeper into my lap. I played with his hair taking in his relaxed features. Maybe the baby will have his eyes, maybe it will have his smile. How adorable would his baby look? Our baby. Would it have his black hair or my brown hair? So many possibilities.

It will be beautiful no matter what. Because it will be his. 

"Stop staring at me" I ran my fingers over his beautiful frown lines on his beautiful head.

"I'm not staring" 

"I can feel your eyes staring into my soul" 

"I can't help it, you're just so damn handsome" Jacob produced a sleepy smile and slowly drifted back into his slumber. I kissed the tip of his nose and ran my fingers over his features trying to picture what our little baby would look like. 

"Can you stop being so lovey please, you're making me feel sick" Leah scowled and took a sip of her beer. We had just set everything up on the beach for our Christmas bonfire and now we were just waiting for everyone else to arrive. Leah and Seth only just got back from Christmas lunch at Charlie Swan's house with their mum, Charlie, Bella, Edward and Renesmee. Leah said it was practically torture. 

"Snap out of your bitchy mood for once Leah, be happy and enjoy tonight with me" She looked confused with my chipper mood. I couldn't help it, if I wasn't overly happy I may just cry. I had a heavy secret on my shoulders. 

"Beer?" I shook my head and looked back over to everyone who was piling up the wood for the bonfire. Emily and the rest of the imprints were getting the food ready, Sam, Paul and Jared were gathering wood for the fire and everyone else was playing soccer waiting for the Elders and everyone else to arrive. It was cute watching Mason following Sam, Paul and Jared with little tiny sticks, trying to contribute to the bonfire. And Jacob was sleeping, he had been going above and beyond for the Cullen's lately and he was exhausted. 

I leaned over and lightly blew in Jacobs ear, it brought me joy to watch him scratch his ear every  time I blew it. That's how bored I was. 


"Really?" He cracked an eye open and peeked out at me "What did I ever do to you?"

"You were incredibly handsome" Jacob snorted then sat up yawning loudly "Entertain me Mr Black"

"Now? In front of everyone?" He wiggled his eyebrows suggestively "Kinky"

"Ew Jacob, that's disgusting" He pushed me down so I lay down in the sand and he crawled over me "Jacob" I warned. He was being ridiculous.

"Hey! Quit it!" Jacob yelped in pain as the soccer ball collided with his ribs. I laughed and stood moving away from Jacob and the boys who had started wrestling. I didn't need to get in the middle of that. 

It went like that for a while. Jacob playing around with the guys. The imprints all watching joyfully. And me chasing Mason around the beach stopping him from going into the water and getting in the middle of the boys. He thought it was hilarious to keep running away from me. 

I should tell Jacob first right? That seems like the best thing to do. But I also need to tell Paul, he needs to hear it from me. Does it make me the worst person in the world if I tell Paul first?

"And Mason takes the tackle!" Jacob scooped up Mason and fell back to the ground pretending Mason was tackling him. Mason loved it, he was playing along and giggling, the sound was music to my ears. He was going to be a great father, there was no doubt in my mind. 

"Jacob bring that boy over here!" Billy just got here with some of the other Elders. Sue even brought Charlie, I imagine she cleared it with everyone first. From what I understand he knew about Jacob but didn't know any details about anything else so that he stayed safe from the stupid vampire gods. 

I locked eyes with Paul and jerked my head sideways gesturing for him to follow me. He looked extremely confused but complied anyway. 

We made it a few miles down the beach away from everyone, hopefully out of hearing range. 

"What's up mama wolf? You're starting to scare me a little. Is everything okay?" I nodded and chose a nice big log to sit down on, I patted the seat next to me "Okay you're never quiet. What's wrong? Is it Mason? is he okay"

"Mason's fine, I'm fine. Everything is just, fine." I took some deep breaths trying to prep myself for the words that were about to come out of my mouth "I need to tell Jacob something but I'm scared"

"Whatever it is I've got your back" Paul slumped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me tight "I mean it's not like your pregnant right?" He laughed at his own little joke but the laugh slowly stopped when he realized I wasn't laughing "Right Liv? Olivia please tell me you're not pregnant" I sniffed and wiped away my tears.

"I don't know what to do Paul" 

"Hey you'll be fine. You are the best mother in the world. Mason is the luckiest little boy in the world and this baby will be even luckier to have you as a mother and have Mason as a older brother. You have nothing to worry about, you've done this before" He wrapped his other arm around me and engulfed me in a tight hug "When did you find out?"

"When Carlisle came to see me, he told me the 'fetus' was fine" 

"That's good, you've got a strong one. Wait, am I the first person you've told? Olivia Uley" He chastised me. I agree I should have told Jacob first but I've already done it before with Paul. "You need to tell him. Right now. I'll go get him" 

"Paul wait!" He ignored me, I knew he would. I just wanted to wait until the bonfire was over to do it, I didn't want to ruin his night. 

"Liv?" Jacob jumped up next to me sitting as close as he could possibly get "Is everything okay?"

"Yeah I just... Look Jacob, I have something I have to tell you and I need you to listen to me and not overreact" I could see his worry lines on his face. I've already scared him and I haven't even told him the news yet "I'm pregnant, not too far along. Just a few weeks. I know it's a shock and it's not really the best time for it considering all the stuff with the Cullen's and-" Jacob gripped my face and crushed his lips to mine.

"Will you just shut up for a minute. I just need you to be quiet for a minute please" I nodded searching his eyes for answers. Jacob kept our foreheads pressed together and his hands on either side of my head. He used his thumbs to wipe away my tears. "I love you Olivia Uley. This hasn't changed the way I feel. If anything, I love you even more now than I ever did. And I didn't think that was even possible"

"You're not mad?"

"Of course I'm not mad" he moved one hand down to my stomach and smiled brightly "That's my baby in there"



An Imprint StoryOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora