Chapter 29. Family.

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"You let him imprint on my daughter?!" Seth and I jumped up alarmed and ready. We knew Bella was finding out today and we also knew she wouldn't be happy about it. Luckily for her we sent Leah off for patrol so she wouldn't do anything stupid. But if she kept yelling at Jacob I can't promise I wont do anything. I phased back into human form but told Seth to stay in wolf form just in case.

"Bella it wasn't his choice" 

"She's a baby!" We broke from the treeline drawing her attention. It was only on Seth, and she was pissed. I stood half in front of him, she was a new born and from what I've heard they can be very temperamental. 

"It's not like that Bella, do you really think Edward would have let him live if it were" 

"I'm still debating it" Smug asshole was smirking. Everyone was just watching her advance on Jacob. None of them were even trying to stop it.

"I've held her once! She's mine!" Bella took her anger out and punched Jacob. And he let her, didn't even defend himself. There was no way in hell I was letting her get away with it, she had gotten away with a lot in the past and I'm not letting her carry out this tantrum. 

So I did what any girlfriend with wolf powers would do and I approached the situation with a big ass attitude and a lot of hate building up from the past. 

"Watch it" I growled. Even I was impressed with venomous tone I managed to summon up "Touch him again and I will rip you to pieces" I was toe to toe with her and I'll give it to her, she looked scary as hell. More growls came up from behind me. Great now we had two pissed off female wolves here "It's fine Leah"

"Olivia" Jacob warned, there was a hint of an Alpha tone in his voice. He better not even think about Alpha commanding me. Bella leaned around me and moved towards Seth but I stepped in her way. She wasn't avoiding me.

"You're going to stay away from her" She growled at Seth.

"You know that's not possible. Nessie loves Seth" Her eyes met mine and I knew what was coming. 

"Nessie? You nicknamed my daughter after the loch ness monster?!" The punch sent me back a few feet landing me in the dirt. And Edward was still laughing.

"She's amazing isn't she?" I growled and phased moving closer to her, the hair on my spine stood and my ears flattened. 

"I've got your back" I could hear Leah's voice in my head but I chose to ignore it. Just like I ignored Seth's pleading to stop. I leaped on top of her knocking her to the ground underneath me. I bared my teeth and growled. Unfortunately I took too long to make a move and she managed to get her leg up and kick me in the ribs. I flew back into a tree whimpering. I think she broke a rib. 

"Olivia that's enough!" There it was. The Alpha command. That asshole. He said he'd never use it on me "Go patrol. Now" I turned and ran. I didn't really have a choice and if it weren't for Mason being in their house I would have ran straight back to Sam.

After a few hours of running back and forth over the patrol line I was able to return to the house. Also because most of them were off showing Bella the stupid house they were giving her for her birthday. 

I phased back and made my way into the lounge where Seth sat with Mason and his toys.

I've fulfilled my duty here. The baby is safe, me and Jake are good, and the Cullen's are still alive, it was time for me to go home. I was never going to get along with Bella and I couldn't hide it, it was frustrating on everyone so the best option is for me to remove myself from the situation. 

"Hey Seth is Jacob here?" 

"Yeah he's upstairs" I nodded my thanks and went up there. I swear my heartbeat got louder with every step closer I took. I opened the door and saw him sleeping peacefully. He had had a tough couple of days waiting for Bella to wake up and dealing with the whole Seth situation. 

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