Chapter 48. Baby.

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When the vampires flooded the room the next morning we were ready. Everyone was phased and ready to fight. I had Paul and Leah by my side, we were the fastest ones, we were hoping we could find an opening and make a run for it .

"Olivia!" They were close. Very close. I could see them running through some underground tunnels. They were coming.


"Where are you guys and what the hell is taking you so long?" Leah was panicking "Did you get the other packs?"

"Everyones here, even some other packs that are just friends to the others. They're screwed. I'm coming for you Liv... And Leah, we're coming for you too"

"Get the girl" Vampires fled into the room. We all thought they meant Leah so naturally we moved in front to protect her. But they didn't want Leah, they were heading straight for me. 

Leah leaped over all of us and tore at the first vampire by their neck. More and more vampires started flooding in the room, there were too many of them. We were never going to win but we could at lease take a few of them with us. 

My eyes landed on a pale vampire with auburn hair with her arms around Eva. I used my imagination and replaced her face with Bella's cocky look when she thought she could take Jacob from me. That was all the fuel I needed. I jumped up and latched onto her arm, prying it from Eva's neck. I threw the vampire back into the vampire bunch that was filing through the door. 

"Hurry up and grab her!" Jane screamed across the room "It's not that hard" I growled and went to fight off the next vampire but Jane got the better of me, she started using her ability to render me useless. I was sure she was told not to use it on me because of what happened last time she and Alec attacked me. 

"Olivia lookout!" 

My tail was violently yanked behind me, I felt a pop and pain spread through my spine. My legs collapsed under me and I submitted to the vampire pulling me out of the room. I could hear Leah screaming at me in my head but my spine was too painful for me to stand. 

My body involuntarily phased back into human form and the vampire moved his grip to my leg and continued to drag my naked body along the hallway. Before we turned the corner I caught a glimpse of the fight that was still happening in the room. They weren't doing well. There was an auburn wolf laying on the ground not moving and a chocolate wolf being crushed in a vampires arms. 

"And this is why our own wolf army would be less trouble. You grown wolves are to in tune with your animal instincts and would be too much work to train" I growled and dug my nails into the concrete floor trying to slow us down.

I felt the last pop in my back that was needed for me to be able to move again without pain. Thankfully I have super fast healing. My body started to wriggle around as I triggered my phasing. I can't just lay here and do nothing. 

"I don't think so dog" The vampire swiftly grabbed my neck and held me against the wall. My phase stopped, mainly because I couldn't breathe. I was clawing at the vampires hand but it did nothing. I was losing consciousness "Don't try that again" He dropped me back to the floor and grabbed a fistful of my hair pulling me back down the long hallway.

He threw me forwards into a cold bright room. It was the room they had me in not that long ago. He walked over to a cabinet and threw something at me. Clothes. 

I quickly pulled them on. I hated being naked in front of others. It made me feel vulnerable. 

Jane came rushing into the room with the nurse and doctors behind her. Alec, Caius and Demetri followed suit. 

"Quickly, get her on the bed" Two of the female vampires in the room and Jane grabbed my arms and legs throwing me on the hospital bed. 

"We need to hurry up and get this over and done with. We have trouble in the way. Nothing we can't handle, but it'll be annoying if we're in the middle of this" I wish Jane would just shut up. 

"Jane would you just stop your incessant whining. I am in charge regarding the animals now" Caius turned to address the nurse. "Do it" The nurse approached me with another giant needle, this time full of pink liquid. 

I tried to fight against the vampires even though I knew it wouldn't work. But I had to try for the sake of my baby. The needle punctured my skin and went deep into my belly. I pray this doesn't work. I really need this not to work. I felt the needle break through something in my stomach and I couldn't help but scream. Something was happening. I felt a liquid run down my legs and I know that it has started, this baby was coming. 

The sounds of chaos echoed through the halls. Were they finally in? Jane looked panicked and went to the door trying to open it but even her strength wouldn't make it budge.

"They've already left. As soon as there was word of the mutts they left. We're the only council left, Aro and Marcus are very far away by now. I volunteered us to stay" Caius watched the computers to search for any sign of change. He seemed frustrated and displeased. 

"Why couldn't we just take her with us and leave?" Alec was joining his sister in their panic. They're scared to die. 

"It was too late. As soon as the baby is separated from the breeder we will kill her and take our leave. Wheres the other one"

"Got it" Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone walk in with Mason "I sedated it first so it won't be a problem"

"I'm going to kill you all" 

The machine started frantically beeping and the pain started to explode in my belly. I screamed and started writhing around in pain. It felt like something was tearing inside of me. Please no, I screamed again and kicked out, maybe if I struggle enough one of them might lose their grip and I can attempt an escape.

"What did you do to my baby you assholes?" 

Caius produced an evil laugh and placed a hand on my belly. He looked so pleased with himself.

"Perfect. This is amazing... It actually worked, make it quick, we need it out of her as soon as possible"

"Don't touch me!" I screamed out again as another burning pain shot through my whole body. I need to drag it out for as long as possible. I need to give the pack a chance to get to me. 


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