Chapter 46. Mason.

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"Mason!" I pushed off from the vampires and sprinted to my son, scooping him off of the ground and holding him close. We were in a lab and there were a few vampires studying at the desks. Were they studying him? Looking around the room, I spotted a lone cot in the corner but that's the only thing child related I can see. "What are you doing to him?"

"That's not your concern" Jane walked through the door and I straight away felt the pain travel through my body, causing me to collapse on the floor. Mason screamed clinging to my body on the floor "Take him"

"No!" I pulled whatever possible strength I had left in me and rolled away from Mason enough to phase. I won't let them take him again. My wolf pushed through the pain moving in front of Mason. I collapsed in front of him but I just need to keep them away long enough to not take him again. Jane isn't allowed to go overboard with the pain. We both know she'll be in big trouble if she hurts me.


"Jacob! I'm trying, I'm really trying but I don't know how much longer I can last" I whipped around snapping the arm of a vampire trying to contain me and throwing his arm across the room. I could feel Mason under me clinging to my fur.

"I'm coming! I promise, just stay alive for a bit longer, please, I love you"

"I need to protect my babies Jake" I pounced quickly ripping another vampires head from his body. Everyone was circling me now, including the ones who were studying and running tests. "How far away are you guys?"

"A few days" Days... That's too long. 

"Pain" I cried out as the pain intensified and I fell down again. I couldn't stop myself from phasing out and landing in my human skin. "You're an idiot for bringing her here" I screamed and writhed around on the ground but I could see her behead the vampire that brought me here to 'teach me a lesson'.

Mason's scream is what snapped me back to reality. Someone was prying him from my arms. I launched forwards wrapping my arms around Mason's small frame and clung him to me. I can't let them take him.

"She's bleeding!" Something sharp stabbed my neck and I could feel myself getting weaker. I tried to keep a hold on Mason. I needed to keep him safe but my body was failing me. My eyes rolled back one last time before the darkness took over. I failed to protect my son. And maybe my daughter too. I hope I haven't lost her. 



I shot up from my sleeping position, gasping for air. 

I was back in the cell with the others, they crowded around me asking me questions but I couldn't focus on them. All I could see was Ty lying in the corner with sheets wrapped around him to stop his bleeding and his chest was barely moving. 

I looked down passed the over sized shirt someone had put on me to see the dried blood between my legs. 

"My baby"

"Olivia, look at me" I looked up at Leah, panicking. Had I lost her? "Listen, you can hear her heart beat. Liv she's okay"

"Mason. I saw him. They have him" 

"Oh my god" Eva gasped "Is he okay?"

"No! They have him!" 

"Olivia Uley look at me" The loud slap echoed the room "You need to breathe. We're going to be okay, help is coming" Leah growled "We need to stay strong until they get here, Mason is going to be okay, you are going to be okay"

"Leah you don't understand. They keep injecting me with something that's making the baby grow quicker. I don't know if I can wait until they get here. I can't let the Volturi take my babies. Lee we have to fight" 

"We will"

"How long was I out?"

"Two days" Jensen whispered "We weren't sure if you'd wake up or not" The door started clicking open and the others immediately stepped in front of Ty and I.

"Don't do anything stupid" The Bloodsucker growled dragging in two more bodies "Enjoy your new company" Oh my god. 

"Paul?" Leah moved to get a closer look and quickly rolled the bodies over the whole way. One of the bodies was Paul but I'm not sure who the other one is. It's a woman, why would she be with Paul? 


"Ty!" The girl sprung up from her position on the floor and ran over to Ty, wrapping her arms around him tightly "Ty you're so stupid" 

"You're here too squirt, so I'm not the only stupid one in the family" Family? They must be related. They had the same scruffy hair, same high cheekbones, similar eyes and the same frown permanently on their faces. His sister maybe?

"Olivia" Paul's beaten form shot up from the floor, his eyes urgently searching the room. "Where are they?" He shot up, launching himself at the door he came through "Where is my son! Open up the door you dirty bloodsucker mother fuckers!" 

"Hey stop it!" Lydia placed her hand on Paul's shoulder pushing him back where Josh and Jensen restrained him from charging the door again. "You'll get us all into trouble!" 

"I don't care" Paul growled, shaking. He was going to phase. I could see the vein almost popping out of his forehead, a bit like the one Sam usually has when he's yelling at me. 

"Stop! If you phase then they'll come in here!" Josh and Jensen were struggling to contain Paul and all I could do was watch. 

"Good, then I'll kill them all!" 

"You're such an idiot" Leah launched herself forwards punching Paul hard across the face. "You will get us all killed" She punched him again and then grabbed his face between her hands and forced his face towards me "You'll get her killed"

"Liv!" It was like it was the first time he realized I was there "Are you okay? After I saw you and Mase and what they did I couldn't stop myself. I had to come. I couldn't wait. I had to try" He pushed away from the others and engulfed me in such a loving hug "Luckily Lucy agreed to come with me, or I'd be dead" 

I turned back towards the girl sitting next to Ty.

"The idiot thought charging the Volturi head on was a great plan. I talked him into pretending to surrender so we could get in here with you guys... I'm Lucy, Ty's older sister"

"By 2 minutes" Ty scoffed. 

"Anyway, we're here to give you the update and also be the men on the inside so you lot stop phasing and almost dying... That's if this idiot can control himself" Lucy helped Ty stand up as they started filling us in on the game plan. 

An army was coming to help us. It took longer than expected because the Volturi changed their location to a castle in the middle of no where in Italy and that's where we were right now. Lucy and Paul couldn't keep sitting around waiting for the whole army of packs and vampire covens to all arrive so they broke off and came for us. Paul just wanted to charge the Volturi but Lucy convinced him to pretend to try negotiate for us but they knew they'd get put in with us. It turns out Lucy is as much of a hot head as Paul is. 

Paul said once he saw Mason being ripped away from me, screaming, that was his last straw and he couldn't wait anymore. He had to come. 

"I thought you said Jacob Black was your imprint?" Ruby pointed her finger between me and Paul "But he is saying Mason is his son?" 

"I'm too sexy to resist, she couldn't help herself" I punched Paul's shoulder but couldn't help my smile, I missed his stupid comments every day.

"Paul and I were together and had Mason before I met Jake. Paul was my first love" 

"And I'll die before I let those Bloodsuckers hurt my son. Or any of you"


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