Chapter 50. Malia.

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That day was the worst day of my entire existence. 

What was left of the Volturi had fallen hard. The ones that fled are still being hunted by the Romanian vampires Vladimir and Stefan. So far they had no luck in finding Aro and the rest of his close council.

We fought hard and unfortunately not everyone made it out. 

Ruby and Josh didn't make it past the first fight in the room, they had been bitten by some of the vampires that rushed, they died protecting me.

A few of the Cullen's friends that had come to help didn't make it out either. Unfortunately Colin was killed, one of the vampires snapped his neck and Brady was damn near dead when they found him, he had tried so hard to help Colin that he didn't even realize he almost died. 

Leah was badly hurt but it didn't take long for her to heal and jump back into the fight, taking down as many of the vamps as possible.

We had set fire to their hideout and left not long afterwards. Apparently it had burnt to ashes, I didn't care enough to even check.  

My baby girl was beautiful and healthy and a pure miracle. The serum made her develop quicker but she was still small, she wasn't ready but she survived. She's a fighter. 

Mason has nightmares every time he has a nap but Carlisle assures me it should pass, Edward always fills me in on the nightmares, he tells me Mason just pictures the scary monsters with red eyes. I hope it doesn't take too long for him to get over the nightmares. 

We had finally arrived back in Forks after a very long flight home. As soon as Billy heard everyone was coming back he organized a big gathering at Sam's house with all the imprints and families involved in the pack.

While everyone else went home, I went with Jacob and Carlisle to the hospital to get checked out, as well as our baby girl. It took a while but they cleared us all, everyone was healthy and alive and that's all I could ask for.

After the longest drive from the hospital we arrived in Sam and Emily's front yard. Everyone was there, the pack, the imprints and The Cullen's and even the other packs of the wolves we met during captivity. I was surprised to see them, I thought they would have returned home as soon as they could. Jacob had a tight hold on our little girl and we exited the car with smiles on our faces.

"Mama!" Mason was the first to spot me. He ran over to me at full speed. I fell down to my knees and scooped him into my arms. My baby boy. 

"Olivia!" Sam came down to the ground with us and wrapped us both in a hug "I can't believe you're okay. I didn't think you would be, I thought they'd disappear and take you with them. I can't believe we got you back" I had missed my brother. He was one of my rocks that always kept me together. It was hard to be without him in my toughest time. 

I don't think there is a dry eye in the yard, everyone was huddled with their significant others and they were all trying to hide their tears. It was an emotional time, we were all safe... Well not all of us. 

"Hey there mama wolf" I looked up at Paul. His eyes were red and puffy and he had tear streaks down his face. Sam backed away to return to Emily and Harper, who was in her arms sleeping and I stood with Mason latched onto me, I held out my free arm and Paul pulled me into him, burying his face in my neck. 

"Isn't she beautiful?" I whispered 

"Breath taking, are you sure she's not mine?" I pulled away and swatted at him. Of course he would find a stupid joke to say right now. 

"Positive" Jacob shot back. 

"Welcome home!" Leah pushed Paul out of the way and pulled me to her.

We did the rounds of hugging and crying with everyone. I tried to answer as many questions as possible while going between everyone but it was difficult. 

"I'm so sorry about Ruby and Josh" I hugged Jensen and Eva tightly. "I never wanted any of that to happen" 

"We know. You lost someone too, a young boy. Maybe they'll be watching over us together" I gave Jensen another hug and thanked him.

"What's her name?" Esme was the first to ask. We hadn't disclosed the name yet. We were waiting to be with everyone before announcing what her name is. 

"Well we thought long and hard about it and we wanted to give her a strong name to represent the amount of strength she has shown the last couple of days so we finally decided on Malia Sarah Black" Jacob handed her to me and continued talking "And we both decided that we would love for Rosalie and Paul to be the godparents" Paul ran up and slammed Jacob in a giant hug.

"If I didn't get godfather I may have murdered you guys... Suck it Leah!" Paul took Malia from me and started making baby faces at her.

"I do have one more thing to say" Paul took Malia over to Rachel and listened to whatever Jacob had to say. 

I was as clueless as everyone else at this point. I had no idea what he was going to say.

"We've all been through a tough couple of months and unfortunately we have lost loved ones and that shouldn't have had to happen. Hopefully we will be able to live out our lives now without the Volturi coming after us. I plan to live until I am an old grandpa and my family is off with their own families and I could never imagine my future without you, Olivia Uley." I took his outstretched hand "You are and always will be the love of my life and we're still together and going strong after the year we've had then I believe we can make it through anything" Jacob smirked and got down on one knee. No way. "Olivia Uley, I love you so much and I would love to be with you for the rest of our lives. Would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" 


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