Chapter 35. Goodbye.

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"Please, I don't want to ask, but I don't want you to go Jacob. What if it goes wrong?"

"Olivia, I've made promises. I can't go back on my word. I need to protect my pack, my land, and my family" Jacob pulled me tighter against him. We were laying in bed together in my room. We had just spent our last night together possibly ever. Mason was with Paul, there was no way I was ever going to deny him the night with Mason especially since it might be his last.

"What if you don't come back?" My voice broke, I wasn't able to hide my tears now. My voice gave me away.

"We can't base our lives on 'what ifs'. For all we know we will leave without any conflict and they will realize Renesmee is human and they will leave and not come back" I could hear his heartbeat. I knew he didn't even believe the words coming out of his mouth. 

"I want to go with you"

"Don't be stupid Olivia. Not in your condition"  I knew it was stupid. But I can't let my pack, my family, go into a fight without me. 

"I've phased already while being pregnant. I'll be fine and the first sign of trouble I'll leave" Jacob scoffed and stood up pulling on his pants and a t-shirt. He rubbed his hands over his face in frustration and took deep breaths.

"No Olivia. That's an order" 

"Excuse me? An order?" I stood up pulling on my own clothes, ready for an argument.

"As Alpha I am commanding you to stay behind" My body forced itself down to the ground submitting to him. That asshole. He had promised me he wouldn't ever use his Alpha tone on me. And this isn't the first time he's broken that promise "Liv I'm so sorry, I hate doing that but this is serious. I can't have you out there" He tried to help me up but I couldn't bare to be touched by him right now. I shook him off and backed up against the wall.

"Then convince me it's a stupid idea and I'm being ridiculous. Don't go straight to your alpha voice to solve everything every time we disagree Jacob!" He tried to move towards me again. I held out my hand as a barrier and moved towards the door.

"Liv don't"

"Is that an order?" I spat back? He looked down defeated and I slammed the door behind me. 

This whole day was just messed up. It shouldn't be happening. Stupid Bella! She's the reason for all this, if she had just left us alone then none of the packs would even be tied up in this stupid mess. I shouldn't be arguing with Jacob on this day. I should be telling him how much I love him and smothering him in hugs and kisses. I knew it was stupid for me to want to go to the stupid fight. I could barely beat Bella, as much as I hate to admit it. There's no way I could fight a thousand year old vamp.

I made my way to the kitchen. Maybe I could apologize with some breakfast.

"That was the stupidest fight I've ever heard in my life" I jumped clutching my chest "You're an idiot" 

"Gee thanks Paul" Paul was sitting at the table with Rachel, Mason, Jared and Kim already eating some eggs and bacon and sausages.

"He's right" Jared commented.

"Don't you think I know that? I'm stressed out. This could be the last time I see any of you" I hit the fridge then rested my forehead on it, the coolness calming me down a bit "You guys are my family, I can't lose you. I can't lose him" 

"You won't. we're too awesome to lose"

"Don't joke like it's nothing" Kim defended me "It's serious, from what you've told us these vampires mean business and they won't be alone. What if you're outnumbered? What if only half of you come back? She has the right to be stressed. We all do" Kim welcomed Jared's embrace and cried into his chest. 

"It's almost time to go" Sam entered the room with Emily clutching to his waist. Her eyes were red and swollen and her face was blotchy. She'd been crying too. I wasn't the only one with a baby to consider. There was no hiding her belly now, she had really popped out. That was definitely going to be a big baby. Hopefully Sam get's to see it.

I rushed over and hugged my brother tightly.

"Why can't Bella just handle her own problems for once" I mumbled. Yes, I was going to blame everything on her.

"They're waiting for us" I left Sam and tackled Jacob who just walked into the room.

"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. Please don't be mad. I love you, I love you so much" I kissed him forcefully.

"I love you more. I could never be mad at you. Please forgive me" 

"Always... I don't want you to go" 

"I know, but I have to" I jumped up locking my legs around him and holding tight "I will be back. I promise"

"I'm going to hold you to that Jacob Black" I jumped down and followed them all outside where the rest of the packs were waiting. Except Seth. He was already with the Cullen's. I ran over and hugged Leah, my best friend. 

"I expect a full rundown of bitchy Bella when you get back Lee Lee. I want to know all about her bad makeup and her bad clothes"

"Definitely." We separated and I went back to Jacob retreating under his arm. Paul walked over placing a small delicate kiss on my temple then handing over Mason. He didn't need to say anything else. We knew what each other was thinking. Don't be an idiot. 

"I love you" Jacob planted one last kiss on my lips and then they started to depart. The pack started stripping off heading towards the forest. As they disappeared into the forest it was like a pull appeared in my chest. Begging me to follow them. 

"They'll be fine. They'll be okay" Emily sounded like she was trying to convince herself more than she was trying to convince us. 

"I sure hope so" I picked up Jacob's discarded top and brought it to my face taking in his scent. Possibly for the last time. 

I took Mason upstairs to our room, he wanted to play so I sat and watched him.

Why did I have to pick a fight with him today of all days. I should have just shut up and enjoyed our time together. I clutched Jacob's top, letting my tears fall and wondering, will I ever see him again?



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