Chapter 47. Time.

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"The baby is doing well. It's growing at a rapid rate. We could  probably force an early labor and have the baby still be healthy." No. That is not what I want. Not at all. It's too early. "Our baby is strong" I struggled against the restraints, wanting to punch them every time they call my baby their baby. 

"I would just like to remind you all that I have an amazing memory. And I am going to kill every last one of you" The vampire next to me scoffed obviously. "I'd like to see you scoff once I'm out of these restraints and not drugged up you dirty bloodsucker" 

"Let's go then wolf girl" In one swift movement the restraints holding me down were released and I was thrown against a wall. "Wheres your tough talk now?" She sped over to me and her hand wrapped around my throat "I'm going to enjoy turning your babies into killing machines... Experimenting on them and watching them fight alongside the Volturi" 

I gathered all the strength I could and reached up grabbing the hand around my throat and ripping her finger so far back that it snapped off. The vampire screamed out and I grabbed her tightly around the neck speeding over to the fireplace in the corner and pushing her towards it.

I had just gotten her head to the opening when a cold hand roughly grabbed my wrist snapping it backwards. 

"Aah!" All I could see was red. I just want to kill them all so badly "Let me kill her" 

"Karen, get out" They snapped at the Vampire I had just almost killed. Of course her name is Karen. There's always one. 

I was slammed back on the table and the restraints were put back in place. 

"If you keep being such a pain we will have no choice but to kill you after we get our baby" He pulled up my top and pushed around on my stomach "We won't be able to breed you again"

"That's not something you're going to have to worry about. I won't be here that long, and you'll all be dead"

"Keep telling yourself that, love" 

"I think she's ready" The doctor appeared with a different colored syringe than usual and it was definitely bigger as well. "Hold her belly. This will be the last dose, it's stronger than the rest of them and it will encourage our baby to engage and then in the morning we'll give her the dose to induce labor. The fetus should be ready enough to be born now and be healthy"

"Get away from me" I tried to wiggle but the restraints were way too tight "You can't have her!" 

"Sedate her, it'll be safer that way" No, no, no!



"Baby wake up please" 


"I need you to get up. Quickly! We have to go" I cracked my eyes open and was met with the most beautiful brown eyes I have ever seen before "Come on, get up!" I wrapped my arms around Jacobs neck, latching on tightly as he lifted me from the floor. Surrounding us were a lot of wolves and I didn't recognize and vampires I'd only ever seen once. 

"Jake, how?"

"We need to go. I need to get you two out"

"Where is everyone else? Paul? Leah?"

"They went after Mason. They'r going to meet us in the woods"

"Oli" My big brother emerged from around the corner and took me from Jacob "Quickly. Move! We don't have any time!" Sam's arms went limp around me, I pulled back confused only to see his eyes rolling into the back of his head and his neck was bleeding.

"Sammy!" Jacob launched forwards wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me to the side where we could run away. I kept looking backwards trying to find the vampire that killed Sam but I couldn't find them. What happened? "Jacob, we have to go back and get him!"

"He's dead Liv!"

"Ow!" We both tripped over big lumps on the floor. But they weren't just lumps, I froze at the cold lifeless looks on Seth and Leah's faces. "No!" I reached forwards squeezing Leah's face "Lee wake up!"

"Move Olivia!" Jasper appeared pulling me up.

"Where's Jacob?" 

"He went after Paul" Emmett popped up next to Jasper pushing other vampires out of the way and ripping their limbs from their bodies. "They're getting Mason"

"Help me!" Ruby. I stopped, jerking my arm out of Jasper's and heading in the direction of Ruby's voice. I rounded one of the many corners and saw Ruby being held against a wall and Rosalie and Alice fighting various vampires around her. 

Ruby's eyes connected with mine for a solid second before her neck was snapped. The next crack I heard was Rose's head being torn from her body, this can't be happening. We're stronger than this. I tried to walk forwards but something wouldn't let me. I saw Emmett and Jasper go join the fight, leaving me to just watch. Everyone I loved was dying right in front of me.

"Daddy" Mason. My body moved before I could even comprehend where I was or where I was going. I just followed my heart and it was pulling me towards my baby. 

"Mason" I saw him, with his little hands wrapped around Paul tightly. I tried to move forwards but every step I took the further they got away from me. I couldn't reach them no matter how fast I ran. "Mason!" Jacob and Paul turned to face me with blank expressions "Behind you!" I could see Jane, Aro, Caius and Marcus approaching them from behind and Jane was carrying a small bundle in her arms. 

It can't be.

I looked down and my stomach was flat. It's impossible. 

"I love you" My eyes snapped back up to see Aro place his hand around Jacob's throat and Caius placed his hand around Paul's. 

"Please" I pleaded breathless. I can't take it anymore. "Stop" I squeezed my eyes shut, not able to look anymore. I can't do it. 

"Olivia! Olivia!" 


"Oli wake up!" What? My eyes shot open and I gasped for air. I couldn't breathe, they all died. Everyone I love was dead. I placed my hand on my swollen stomach, she's still there. "Olivia" I trailed my eyes up to meet Leah's. She's alive.

"You were dead"

"I'm not dead. No one's dead"

"They came for us and they all died, everyone was dead"

"Olivia, it was just a dream, everything is fine" 

"Liv no ones going to die. We've got this. I promise" Paul tried to reassure me "Those bloodsuckers will pay for what they're doing"

"Where are they? They said they'd be here in a few days, it's been over a week! Maybe they're already dead" Ty punched the wall. "Maybe we're screwed. Maybe we'll die here, after we provide the Volturi with an army of course" 

"Shut up! You're wrong!" Lydia screamed at Ty. We've been here too long, we're all losing our minds.

We need to get out of here. Our army needs to hurry up and get here, we're ready to fight, we just need the opening to join in. I need to see Jacob burst through that door and tell us it's time to go. 

We need to fight.

We need to live. 


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