Chapter 51. Soulmate.

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"Yes! Oh my gosh yes!"

"That's nice that you got my back there Alice, but do you think you could let Olivia answer?" Jasper placed his hands on Alice's shoulders holding her in place. I laughed at her enthusiasm. Everyone just stared at me waiting to cheer, of course they all already knew what my answer was. I'd be a fool to turn him down twice "Please don't say no again" Jacob half-heartedly joked. 

"Jacob Black. Of course I will marry you" 

"Woo!" He jumped up and wrapped his arms around me spinning us around. I locked my arms around his neck and pressed our foreheads together "You won't regret it, I promise, I will love you forever" I moved my head down and stopped just before our lips touched. 

"I love you too" Jacob closed the gap and kissed me like there was no tomorrow. He smiled into the kiss before pulling back and slipping the ring on my finger.

It was a beautiful silver band with a pear shaped diamond, surrounded by little diamonds that also trailed onto the band. I loved it.

"Show us the ring!" Alice squealed and pushed between us. The girls all surrounded me taking it in turns to look at the ring and the boys went to Jacob, slapping him on the back and laughing. 

I caught Jacob's eye from across the yard. The boys were all teasing him and congratulating him at the same time. He smiled and winked at me, it was a small gesture but I could feel the love oozing off of him. I blew him a kiss with my free hand and watched him pretend to catch it. 

Paul noticed and started to do a gagging motion. I naturally flipped Paul off, then laughed when he pretended to catch it. I can't help but roll my eyes at him, as much as he annoys me, I can;t help but love him. 

How weird would it be if no one ever phased? I'd probably still be with Paul, we probably would have gotten pregnant again a lot sooner and then I wouldn't have Malia. I wouldn't even know Jacob. He'd probably still be trying to get with Bella, he probably would have gotten himself killed trying to be with Bella. The Cullen's probably would have died against the Volturi. None of this would have even happened. It's crazy to think about.

It didn't take long before Rachel, Kim and Emily took Mason, Harper and Malia to bed. Jacob struggled to have to put her down, he wanted to hold her forever. I loved seeing him hold her and just look at her. He seemed happy to just look at her for minutes with the biggest smile on his face and zone out to the rest of the world. 

"Can I have everyone's attention please?" We all quietened and looked to Sam. He had stood atop the back of Paul's truck and was addressing everyone as a leader.

Jacob came up behind me and snaked his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder. I leaned back into him and continued to watch Sam.

"I would just like to take this opportunity to thank the packs and the vampires who came to help us save our families, If it weren't for you we may not be standing here today. A lot of us would have died to get our families back to us. So thank you, thank you for joining our  fight, thank you for saving our packs and unfortunately not everyone made it back out alive. We all lost someone due to the bloodsuckers who took our pack members and it's unfortunate that it happened. So I would like us to take a minute to remember those we lost, our friends, brothers and our sisters" Everyone raised their glasses in silence remembering those who didn't make it. 

While making the rounds and socializing I had discovered that there were a lot of people who didn't make it. Out of all the packs, 6 wolves were lost. Out of the vampires, 5 of them didn't make it out.

"For Collin" Jacob whispered. I could hear the rest of the pack repeat what Jacob had said. The other packs then went on to name their loved ones they had lost as well. 

"May we all spend the rest of our days in peace without trouble" Carlisle spoke up "And I say this in the nicest way my friends, I hope I never have to ask you for help ever again" The vampires thanked the Cullen's. The other packs weren't too keen on the vampires. Which is understanding. They probably haven't met anyone like the Cullen's and their friends before.

We all disbanded and went to get some food. The boys had just ordered pizza so everyone could just relax and sit back.

The vampires and the other packs had started to head off. They had to get back to their own families. They had people to mourn their losses with. And lives to celebrate. 


I lay in bed with Jacob, half laying on him. I had my hands crossed on his chest and my chin rested on my hands looking at his face. 

"I think I'm going to get a job. I need to start supporting you guys and we need to stop accepting money from the Cullen's. Before everything happened I applied for a job in a garage and they called me last week while we were in Italy. They want me to start as soon as I can" 

"That's great! And at least you would be doing something you enjoy. You love fixing cars and motorbikes. But you don't have to start straight away. You could wait. I get that it's embarrassing to be taking money from the Cullen's so we can stop. We can survive on the money my parents left us for a while" My dad sends 'sorry' money weekly to Sam and myself and our mother left us money as well.

"I understand that but I'd like to be able to provide for you, Mason and Malia. If not for you guys then for me, I need to feel like the father and husband that I know I can be. We will have our own place soon, the kids will have their own rooms and we will be a proper family." His chest vibrated as he laughed. I leaned up and kissed his chin. 

"I love that you want to provide for your family. It's so hot" I trailed kisses along his jaw "I'm so lucky to have you. How did I get so lucky?" 

"You have that the wrong way around. I am definitely the lucky one in this relationship" Jacob trapped my hands and rolled us so he hovered over me "You are amazing and beautiful and you have given me the best future and the best family I could have ever imagined. Even if that includes Paul" He leaned down and kissed me softly.

"Could you please not say Paul's name when you kiss me? It's not a turn on"

"You never really talk about you and Paul. How did you guys first meet?" 

"Nope, not happening" I pushed him off of me and rolled on my side "Never"

"What? Why?" Jacob laughed. 

"We don't talk about me and Paul before Mason. Ever"


"Nope. Goodnight"


"I'm asleep now"

"Liv" I started to fake snore. I do not want to revisit my rebellious years with Paul. Especially with Jacob. "You don't even snore" 

"I do now" Jacob chuckled as I continued to snore and he eventually gave in putting his arm around me and cuddling me tightly.


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