Chapter 21. Coping.

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"Have you heard anything new?" Paul looked down and shook his head. Sam had forbidden me from phasing while Jacob was away in case I wasn't emotionally stable enough to handle hearing something I didn't want to hear. All they ever told me was that Jacob was missing me and he loved me but he was in pain and he needed time. He rarely let them in but when he did that's all they got, apparently.

Paul punched the table and breathed deeply. It hit Sam and Paul harder than anyone else watching me go through the first few days without Jacob. Paul was my go-to when I wanted information, he would tell me more than anyone else. Sam didn't want to hurt me but Paul knew that not knowing would hurt me more.

"He has found a way to keep his thoughts to himself, we can feel determination though. He's doing something we just don't know what" I submitted into Paul and rested my head on his shoulder "Rachel is training so she can kick his ass when he gets back" I had to let out a small laugh at that "How is my boy doing?"

"He's sleeping. It's nice to have him stay still since he started walking and getting into everything" 

"That's my boy. He'll be a handful if he's anything like either of us" I dread his teenage years, both Paul and I were rebellious teenagers and we got up to no good. Hopefully karma won't come around and bite me in the ass in the years to come. Hopefully he'll be an introvert and never want to sneak out with his friends. 

"I hope not" 

"Hey group hug!" I was suddenly crushed against several warm, giant bodies in a giant group hug. I wriggled around trying to escape the muscles. 

"Get off me fatty's!"

"Feel the love Liv!" The hug got tighter and I was being suffocated.

"If you don't let me out of here in the next 3 seconds I'm going to phase and kill you all" No one could tell if Leah was serious or not so I guess they decided to play it safe and everyone jumped back quickly, moving for the table instead. 

"Thank you" I whispered to Leah.

"I wasn't kidding" A part of me hoped she was joking.

"Want me to go check on Mase?" Paul offered but he also sat down at the table leading me to believe it was an empty question. He didn't really have any intention of going to get him. 

"All good, I'll go. I wouldn't want you to strain yourself going up the stairs" I rolled my eyes making my way to the stairs. 

"If you insist Mama wolf" He shot me his cheesy grin before I turned the corner.

I ran upstairs to check on Mason and found him standing up in his cot reaching for me. I quickly got him changed and took him back downstairs for some food. He was growing up so quickly, he'll be climbing out of the cot before I know it. I'm not ready for him to be climbing everything. 

"Should I wear a suit or just a nice dress shirt? What do you wear to these fancy vampire things?" Seth was gushing about the upcoming wedding "Alice told me to dress nice, but what does that mean? Like a nice shirt? Or a tux? Or like a suit shirt and casual pants?"

"Just wear a nice shirt Seth. If you don't have one Alice will get you one, she got me a dress the other day" I held Masons hand and walked him over to Paul. Paul's face lit up and he picked Mason up in the air pretending to eat his cheeks. 

"A dress for what?" Sam growled. 

"The wedding. Sure I was... Jake's... plus one, but I was invited too you know. And don't even think of telling me I can't go. You are letting Seth go and Billy and Sue will be there. Lots of humans, I'll be fine." 

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