Chapter Two

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A had my first symptoms today, the medicine was powerful and I felt weak against it.

I stayed cuddled up beneath a blanket, face timing Alaya and catching up. She looked so happy, glowing, I would say. We were discussing baby names, Alaya said I could choose one of the babies names, which is an honour!

"I'm having two girls and a boy. I was thinking Jessica, Ellie and Morgan." Alaya told me.

"Seeing as I get a pick, what about Jade, Lauren and Ben?"

"I like Lauren. Oh, Mari, isn't this exciting?" She replied.

I nod. Suddenly a nauseous feeling rose in my stomach, my legs wiggled out of the cocoon of blankets and I belted to the bathroom.

My head was throbbing now as I washed my mouth out and returned to my cocoon to say goodbye to Alaya. I found the hospital letter of symptoms. Nausia, headache and cramps. I double checked the small print.
If  nausia persists or vomitting  occurs call your nearest doctor with this reference. Headaches and upper stomach cramp regular.
What does that mean?

I picked up my mobile. "Hi, this is Marinette - yes, referring to a letter sent to me."

I answered the questions and filled the receptionist in with my details. I made an appointmentt.

"Tomorrow, 9:30 am." I confirmed.

Hugging my knees, I thought through the stomach cramps.

Sorry this was short! Updates on their way..............

Adrienette AdulthoodWhere stories live. Discover now