Chapter Twenty

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I ran out of the cubicle and straight out to the ambulance that, thankfully, was still outside of the Cafe.

"Excuse me, are you a paramedic?" I hurriedly say.

"Yes, what seems to be the problem?"

"I- I think I'm having a miscarriage."

The paramedic was as calm as I was when I was with the woman.

"And how many weeks?" He said.

"Two weeks. I only recently found out I was even pregnant." I gush out my words.

"Well, come to the hospital with us and we will run some tests."


I waited impatiently for the test results. While I waited I decided I should have told Adrien that I'm here, that I even left home with Emma.

Don't panic, I didn't leave her at the Cafe. She is here with me, sleeping in my arms. Impressively she slept through the charade at the Cafe, though I don't know how, exactly.

I sat up on the pillows and dialed his number.

"Adrien? Hi, sorry I left this morning, I needed some air. Anyway, long story short, I'm in hospital again, and I think you should get here for the results." I speak into the phone and listen for his reply.

"I could ask what the hell your doing in that hospital again, but I would rather speak to you in person." He said with a tone of aggravation.

Half an hour later, I was still waiting for Adrien to arrive, along with the results.

The doctor eventually walked in with a clipboard and a straight face. At the same moment, Adrien swung round the corner into the room too.

"You are the partner?" The doctor questioned.

"Oh, yes, here to know about some results for something? Marinette hasn't told me yet."

"I will explain. Sit down, please. To start off with, Marinette came to us thinking she had had a miscarriage. We ran some tests. We know from what Marinette has told us, she was two weeks pregnant."

"Was?" Adrien murmered.

"There have been some complications. Marinette, I apologize, but you are not pregnant." The doctor said.

Adrien wrapped me up in a hug.

"It is a shock. I have never miscarried before." I mumble.

"Marinette, you have not miscarried. In fact, you were never pregnant. It must have been a mistake, it can happen."

I stared at him. A huge weight of relief feel of my shoulder. I knew something wasn't right.

"Ok, then what was all the blood I lost?" I ask.

"Your regular menstural cycle. You know how temperamental cycles can be. It is a simple coincidence that you had a heavier cycle this month."

I thank the doctor and leave with a container of vitamins, Adrien and Emma.

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