Chapter Twenty-five

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The dress shop was a success. I had found an adorable pastel pink wedding gown and matching pastel blue brides maid dresses for Alya, Emma, Lauren and Ellie.

Ben would be the boy who held our special wedding rings, though he would be supervised by Nino.

Nino would be Adrien's best man, though he doesn't know that yet.

Alya and I were walking home, chatting about honeymoon destinations.

"Morocco! Its sunny and has some beautiful sights." Alya stated.

"Hmm, it sounds lovely, but I would love to go somewhere with an unusual name." I reply.

"Morocco isn't unusual enough for you? Well, ok, I'm sure we'll think of something."

We thought in silence for a moment.

A sudden squeal stopped me in my thoughts, three girls were laughing and yelling wildly ahead of us, one was sitting dangerously on the edge of the tall bridge we were approaching.

"Oh my god!" Alya exclaimed in horror.

I gasp as the girl pretended to wobble on the bridge edge, she kicked her legs and shot an arm out, screeching with laughter at her friends gobsmacked expressions.

"I don't like the look of this, it's an accident a waiting to happen." I say slowly.

"Well, let's not startle them, I don't want to be the cause of her falling." Alya said, she gradually began walking closer, as she did, the girl's friends backed away whilst shaking there heads and turning away.

"Wait up!" She demanded. That was all it took. Her hands let go of the railings and her feet failed to lock around the metal bars.

She seemed to trip over the bridge railings as she attempted to hurl herself back to the safety of the ground.

I sprinted to the bridge edge and screamed as I watched her terrified face mouth the words 'save me'.

She hit the water with a harsh slam that echoed around my head. Alya seemed frozen with shock. Before I could control what I was doing, I tore my long scarf from my neck, then I threw off my coat.

I tied my scarf to the coat sleeve and thumbled about my clothes to see if I could find anything else.

The girl was screaming, her voice was muffled every few seconds as a current pulled her down.

I couldn't wait any longer, I reeled my scarf and coat rope down from the side of the bridge, as I did Alya was calling the emergancy services.

The girl surfaced again and flailed her arms up towards he coat sleeve. It just wasn't low enough, so I sacrificed Alya's dress and added it to the rope chain.

At last the girl latched onto my coat and hung on desperately.

"Don't panic, help is on its way. I want you to climb into the coat, that way you will be much safer until help."

The girl gasped and struggled herself into the coat. Sirens in the distance sounded. Suddenly a stabbing pain rippled through me, I sucked in a breath and called for Alya to take over.

She grabbed the coat from me and I sat down, leaning my head against the railings. "Are you ok down there?" Alya asked the shivering girl. She didn't answer.

Alya turned to me. "I hope she makes it, it's freezing!" She frowned. "Are you ok, you look like your in pain."

I nod and force a smile. "This is just a bit much for today."

Alya nods. The sirens had gotten much louder now, and the ambulance had stopped just behind us.

The ambulance crew raced to us, they helped Alya lift the girl out, when they had moved her onto the stretcher she seemed lifeless.

Her chest moved up and down irregularly and she had made no attempt to move throughout the entire procedure.

I breath out heavily and lean my head back against the rails. Alya shuffles over to me and takes my hand.

"The crew said we can leave now, though we will need to come to the police station next week to give in a statement." Alya said. Her phone began to ring, so she took it from her pocket and jumped up. "I better take this, are you ok?"

I nod and try to smile, though after all that has happened, smiling is the opposite of what I want to do. The ambulance had already left and I was alone on the bridge.

My phone beeped quietly, but it was all I wanted to hear, a distraction hopefully. Adrien's profile picture appeared on my phone screen, alerting me of a text.

Mari, where are you? I thought you would be back by now. Is everything ok? Xxx

I instantly call him, I couldn't explain anything.

"Marinette, are you ok?" Adrien's voice relieved and comforted me when he answered.

"Oh, yes, I'm ok. I just want you to pick me up-"

My head was spinning, I felt my phone falling from my hand, I spun around but I was too late. My phone slipped from my grip and dropped into the water below.

"Alya!" I yelled as she walked back to me. "My phone-"

I stood up a little too fast and felt my balance failing me, Alya thankfully caught me as I fell forward.

"Marinette, you are not ok. I think your blood pressure is too high or something. Nino and Adrien are on their way." Alya reassured me.

About twenty minutes later Adrien and Nino appeared from the end of the bridge.


"I brought you some hot chocolate." Adrien murmered as he placed a mug on the bedside table.

I smile and thank him.

"Marinette, what with everything going on, I'm not surprised this is happening. Your body can't cope with this amount of pressure. A wedding, Emma's progress, my dad and now a new baby. I think you need to take a serious break." Adrien said gently.

I sit up gradually, taking Adrien's hand and tracing the curves of our engagement ring.

"Ok. But as soon as I'm back to normal we can sort everything."

Emma had started to cry, so Adrien dissapeared off to bring her into our room. She would need feeding by now.

Adrien passed her to me carefully when he returned. "I'm going to make her up a bottle." He said.

I nodded and cradled Emma.

"Hey, Emma. Mummy will be spending a lot more time with you while she is on her break. How would you like that?" I wave my finger in front of her face, her tiny hand latched onto it.

Her emerald green eyes followed mine. She didn't look any different from when I first saw her. Emma turned her head towards the door, just as Adrien walked in with her milk.

"She knew you were coming, didn't you Emma?" I smile and take the bottle, popping it into her mouth.

"Adrien, do you think she will develop the same as other babies her age?" I ask curiously.

"I have no idea, but let's hope so."

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