Chapter Six

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First off, heres a quick note to say a huge thank you to everyone who is reading and commenting... you know who you are! I want to take on any ideas that you give me and am happy to update regularly. I will let you know if I can't update for you but that is unlikely to happen! :D

Lets carry on.......

I yawned and tossed myself over to face Adrien. Surely now would be a good time to tell him? I poked him on the back.

"Adrien. Hey- are you awake?" I nudged him again.

Suddenly he sat bolt upright with a gasp. He looked at his watch that sat on the bedside table, then, with no further warning, Adrien stood up and locked himself in the bathroom.

A moment later I heard the shower burst into action and the murmered cursing from Adrien.

It was late though, he only had fifteen minutes to get to work in time.

"Ok, then, I can get breakfast." I mumbled to myself and trudged downstairs.

Alaya had already made herself comfortable infront of the television and was munching on crisps too.

"Don't get crumbs down the sofa!" I laughed as I flipped the kettle on and grabbed breakfast things. Milk, cereal, toast, and- avocado! I really fancied some of that. I sliced one up and consumed it within a matter of minutes. Feeling happier, I even pushed myself to use the milk jug that we never have time to use, I find Adrien swigging milk from the carton sometimes!

I was just perching next to Alaya when I felt a nasty feeling in the stomach. Knowing what was coming, I sprinted to the bathroom and soon was flushing away the avocado I just ate.

Sighing, I left the bathroom and had a drink of water before sitting down with Alaya.

"So, how do you plan to tell Adrien the news?" Alaya blurted.

"Oh, I was just going to say it. Just like that."

"When I told Nino I put a bun in the oven."

"Why?" I say, confused.

"It symbolizes the baby in the stomach, or at least something like that."

"Oh. Well, were having rolls for lunch, I can put one in the oven for him to find." I say, feeling pretty pleased with the idea.

"Perfect. What could go wrong?"

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

I set a role on each plate, which was accompanied by tomato soup, an old favourite of mine.

The role sat quietly in the oven and I summoned everyone to sit down. Everyone except Adrien had a role.

"Mm, looks good Marinette, thanks." Adrien sat down along with Nino and Alaya.

"Your welcome. Im so happy you could get home from work early to make it." I smiled and made eye contact with Alaya. She winked.

Adrien looked puzzled.

"Wasn't there a spare role for me?" Adrien asked innocently.

"Oh, I don't know, how about you check the- oven...?"

He stood up and opened the oven.

"Nope. Not there either. Never mind."

I stare at the oven, then at Alaya. She was glaring at Nino.

I looked over to see a role on his plate. Then another submerging like a lump from the red soup.

Nino stole the bun in the oven. What more could have gone wrong?

Adrienette AdulthoodWhere stories live. Discover now