Chapter Twelve

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I desperately wanted to wake up, but something was stopping me.

It was I was being forced under water, but I could still breathe.

"Can she hear me?" Adrien voice sounded in my ears.

Yes, yes I can hear you!  I wanted to yell.

"Yes, there is a strong chance she can, this is a lighter coma than many."

Coma? But what about the baby?

"Coma? But what about the baby?" Adrien read aloud my thoughts.

"It is dangerous and we will need to do a cezerian if she doesn't wake up within the next few hours."

How do I wake up?  What if I can never wake up?

Footsteps echoed in my head and a door shut nearby.

"Don't panic about the baby, Marinette, I know you can hear me. Please, do something." Adrien urged.

I'm trying...

I breathed heavily. Adrien sighed and began to talk to me about the baby.

"What should we name the baby? Emma for a girl, Louis for a boy."

Yes, I like those names.

Suddenly voices changed.

"Take her to the operating room, section C, private sector." A mans voice commanded.

I heard doors opening and closing. Curtains being pulled across. A steady beeping noise ran in the background.

Suddenly I felt my hand in someone elses, I felt it. I tried to move my finger. I felt a twitch.

"Marinette, she twitched!" Adrien gasped.

"It's likely to be just an unconscious body movement."

"No, look, Mari, do it again, come on..."

I forced myself to twitch. I heard a little clatter.

"She is recovering, but not quick enough, proceed please."

Adrien talked me through the painless process.

"They're lifting her out, oh, Marinette, I can't wait for you to see her!"


I twitched desperately.

"Would you like to cut the cord, sir?"

Adrien's hand left mine and sudden cries filled the silent room. All I could hear was Emma. I imagined Adrien rocking her back and fourth, sitting in a plastic chair next to mine.

"Happy birthday, Marinette. Happy birthday, Emma."

I sighed. I have never wanted to be awake more than now.

Emma, Emma, Emma,
"Emma..." Someone said her name. It wasn't Adrien.


"Adrien- Emma-"

"Mari, your waking up! Emma wants to see you."

I took the final push and forced my eyes open. It was foggy, but it became clearer.

"Where's Emma...?"

"Right here."

Adrien was holding a tiny bundle above me.

My arms automatically reached out.


Adrien slowly passed Emma into my arms. When he had checked I was strong enough to hold her he fully let go.

"Emma, I love that name. Seeing as you chose it, Adrien!"

"You heard."

I nod.

"Hello, Em. My birthday wish came true."

Time to start my little family.

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