Chapter Twenty-eight

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I gazed across the rooftops, moonlight danced from pavements to chimneys. A light breeze lifted my hair from my shoulders and brought a smile to my face.

The nights were usually spent sat upon our roof. Emma still needed a close eye and we couldn't get babysitters all the time. But when Alya and Nino were round, we ran free like teenagers again.

I remember the day when we would transform and sneak out from our bedrooms to meet each other. And the time when he saw me without the mask for the first time.

Chat Noir had always been my Adrien,  like I had been his Ladybug. We fit together perfectly. I knew our little family was exactly what he wanted and more.

All of this was saved for the moment we married. Now, with only weeks to go, I realized I was about to seal my dream.

"What are you thinking?" Chat asks, catching my gaze with his own. He hangs upside down from the chimney pot.

"Us. How all this has become a reality."

Chat Noir began tipping forward, slowly slipping from the chimney.

"Well, we haven't changed one bit!" He fell and landed in a strange yoga like position in front of me.

"I can see that. I thought we were supposed to be parents, and even we still act like teens."

I sit back and lay my hands down on my stomach. Thankfully the dresses had been replaced by my parents, who insisted that they wanted to help.

"Only two weeks until I am officially joined with the most special person in my life. And Emma of course."

"I love you, Adrien." I say, taking his hand and pulling him in for a hug.

"And I love you, Buga-"

"-no!" I laugh and stand slowly.

We walk across the roof and talk happily until Emma begins to cry out for her feed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12, 2017 ⏰

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