Chapter Four

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Alright That's enough self pity for today. Shaking  my head I walk back into the living room.  Ares turned to me his blue eyes scanning my face. I give him a smile not a full teeth showing smile but a smile. 

"I'm going to go lay down" My mom said slowly getting up from the couch. I walk over holding my hand out to her.  "Hey kiddo I'm not that old" She kisses my cheek. "He's a good one" She whispers walking passed me out of the living room. A good what? I glance at Ares feeling his eyes on me. Is my mom trying to play match maker? 

"Are you hungry?" I don't remember seeing him eat anything at the store. Wow Alex way to be a nice. He must be starving. 

"No" What how? Its been like nine hours. 

"Nonsense I'll go make something do you want anything in particular?"I ask already standing about to head to the kitchen.  What can I make that I won't burn? 

"I said no" He repeats his expression turning to one of annoyance.  Ignoring what he said I walk into the kitchen. I'm tempted  to pull out some milk and serve him cereal. Instead  I grab  a can of soup from the cabinet. What can I say? I'm not a great cook no correction I'm a horrible cook.  I shouldn't even be allowed to step foot in the kitchen. 

"What are you doing? I said no" I turn around seeing Ares leaning against the wall. He walks towards me causing me to bump into the stove. He leans in so his face is inches away from mine. "Do you know what no means?"'  I cough feeling my face turn red. I know this is going to sound sad but this is the closest a guy has ever been to be and it's causing my heart to pound so fast I feel like its  going to jump out of my chest. He backed away smirking as if he could feel how flustered I was

  "You should eat" I blurt out pouring the soup in a pot. "My mom would kill me if she knew you went to bed hungry I know you think I'm exaggerating but I'm not." I turn on the fire looking back at him. He rolls his eyes running a hand through his hair in frustration. 

 "You humans never listen" 

"What do you mean Humans? Don't you realize you're one too?" I asked. Why does he talk like he is a king or something and everyone are his subjects?

"Oh I could never be one of your  weak kind" 

"Oh then what are you a God?" I snap. Right as I say I hear thunder. "It's not even raining" I walk towards the window opening the curtains revealing clear skies. What is going on with the weather? "Well what are you?" I turn around but Ares isn't there anymore. Am I going mad?



"Did you realize how stupid it was to send me there" Ares asked his dad feeling relieved that he no longer had to see Alex. Just the feeling of being by her made him feel something. Something he wasn't used to. An unsettling feeling that confused him.

"No You're going back"

"Then what am I doing here?" Ares asked clenching his jaw annoyance written all over his face. 

"Someones going to come to earth with you" Zeus said a smile starting to form from his lips. Ares glared at his dad feeling his dad was enjoying this too much. He's dad always had fun messing with people. It was like his hobby. A hobby that Ares thought was childish and stupid. That trait reminded him too much of his brother. The brother who he went though hell to save.

"What why?" 

"To make sure you don't reveal that you're a god humans don't need to know we have the ability to walk among them." 

"Alright I won't tell anyone you don't have to send someone to babysit me"  His dad knew he could keep his mouth shut. But his dad couldn't resist messing with him a little more. 

"With your temper I think you would tell. You were about to tell that girl"

"Her names Alex" Ares growled out before he could stop himself. Ares scrunch his face up in confusion wondering why he got so defensive. She was just some human.  Zeus raised an eyebrow at him a full on smile now on his face. Which made Ares want to smack it off. 

"You're taking your brother with you"

"Which one?" Ares said already dreading the answer. 


"No anyone but him why him?" Ares groaned wanting to bang his head against his wall. Apollo was nothing like Ares. At one point in the past he was worse. 


"Why are we here?" I jump hearing a voice say. 

"Would you shut up?" I hear Ares growl.  I get up from my bed glancing at the clock. It's three in the morning. How did he even get in the house?The doors are locked. I walk  into the living room my eyes drifting over to the couch. The thing that shocked me was that a  guy was laying on my couch shirtless and Ares was on top of him a hand over his mouth. Well likes like I just interrupted something my eyes widening in realization. 

"I'm sorry continue whatever you were doing" I say running back into my room. I close the door putting my hands over my face. Why didn't I just walk back into my room. They wouldn't have notice that I was there. 

"Don't you dare" I hear Ares yell. I hear shuffling and my door handle turning. 

"Nice to me you Alex" The guy from the couch is now standing in my doorway a smile placed on his face. His brown hair is In every direction and his brown eyes seem to be sparking. This may sound weird but it seems like light is surrounding him. Maybe I am losing it a little. 

 "Hi" Great way to start off Alex. 

"What do I tell you?" Ares said grabbing the guy by the ear. "I swear you're just like them annoying and curious" The guy rolled his eyes wincing in pain as if he was used to Ares saying that. The light in the guys eyes faded a little as if the sentence hurt him.

"Let go of me" 

"Or else what?"

"Or else I'm telling dad"

"Oh yeah how you gonna do that?"

"What you don't know how cellphones work?" The guy says grabbing his from his pocket waving it in Ares face. "We're in the digital age. Get with the times Ares"

"Dad has a phone?" Ares asked letting go of the guys ear. 

"What you jealous he didn't give you his number? " I look at the two boys curiously. Are they brothers? No they can't be they look nothing alike. 

"I'm Apollo this jerkoffs brother" He smiles at me sticking his hand out. Well I was wrong. Should of saw that coming.


Picture on top is Apollo 

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