Chapter Nine

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"You're wrong"

The look in his eyes is what scared me. The way his eyes glared into mine sent a chill down my spine.He truly believes he is right and that's what gets to me. No one deserves to be hurt.The crowd starts to diminish as Apollo walks over to us.

"You know what dad said Ares," Apollo said grabbing Ares's shoulder. Apollo looked at me like he forgot I was there.

"I'm just going to walk home" I mumble feeling like I was intruding in a family matter. I grab the flour from Apollo and start walking in the direction of my home. What a way to start the day huh?


"Control yourself," Apollo said shaking his head at his brother. Sometimes Ares wondered if Apollo wanted him to punch him in the face."Control your temper or else Dads going to make you stay here for eternity"

"You think I don't know that?" Ares rolled his eyes walking in the direction of Alex.

"We are not done talking," Apollo said stopping his brother.

"I didn't start the fight"

"No you didn't but you fired them up"

"It's not my fault they're weak"

"If there weak help them don't hurt them" Apollo snapped. "You know you were making progress actual progress but way to fuck it up"

"Fuck you," Apollo rolled his eyes at his brother's childish response. Apollo eyes widened as he realized why his brother was making progress.

"It's her" Apollo mumbled to himself.



"I'll tell you what I want what I really really want" I sing while stirring the pancake mix. My mom is sitting down at the table sipping on her cup of coffee while reading the newspaper.She has her first job interview today and I can tell she's nervous. I smile up at my mom

"You have been singing that same line for five minutes dear," My mom said looking up from her newspaper.

"Mom its the best part of the song," I said looking at the clock. "Mom you should get going your interview is in 15 minutes," I remind her.

"Oh I knew I shouldn't have read this newspaper it always makes me lose track of time, " She said quickly grabbing the keys from the table. "Are you okay dear?" She asked me. I frown slightly thinking of Ares. How can I help him see well the good in people.

"Mom I'm fine, go ace the interview," I said smiling as she runs out the door. My thoughts wonder back to Ares. I want to help him I just don't know how.

"Is that pancakes I smell?" I smile slightly hearing Apollo voice. I place a pancake on my plate and turn around. Apollo is sitting at the table the bottle of syrup in his hands as his eyes watch the plate in my hand.

"Here you go" I look around the kitchen looking for Ares but he is nowhere to be seen. "Where is Ares?"

"In the living room still being a drama queen," Apollo said before shoving the pancake in his mouth. I nod walking into the living room nervously expecting to see Ares sharping knives waiting for me. Instead, he is sitting on the couch his eyes closed. I frown noticing the bags under his eyes. I grab the blanket that's on the table and cover him. When suddenly His eyes open immediately causing me to jump back.

"You looked cold" I mumble looking away from his blue eyes. Oh god, I could practically feel his glare. I turn around about to walk away. When I feel a hand grab my wrist. I turn back to face him.

"How does someone look cold?" He asked. I bit my lip trying to think of an answer. How does someone look cold?

"You just do," I mentally facepalm myself for saying that. You just do really? That's the best you could come up with I think to myself. I blush realizing his hand is still wrapped around my wrist. "Are you okay?" I ask unable to stop myself.

"I'm always okay," He says automatically . I look up at him curiously.

"No one is always okay" His face fills with disgust as he lets go of my wrist.

"I'm not weak," He said sounding offended.

"It's not weak to be hurt"

"If you think that then you don't know what weak is"

"What is weak then?" I sit down next to him surprised he didn't move away.

"Everything I'm not" His eyes are focused on the t.v in front of him. Even though it's not even on. I start to get out when his hand pushes me back down. "Stay" He mumbles so low I could bearly hear him. He wants me to stay? I bite my lip trying to hold back my smile.

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