Chapter Thirty Six

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Alex" A voice whispered waking me out of my sleep. I roll over meeting Sally's green eyes. Her red hair is pulled up into a high ponytail. She winks at me shaking my shoulders.

"Today is the day Alex," She said flipping her red hair to the side. My eyes trail down to her outfit as I wipe the sleep from my eyes. How early is it? Did I miss something? Is it wake Alex up extermly early for no reason day?

"Sally, what are you talking about?" I ask sitting up.

"Get dressed" She scolded ignoring my question. She gets up from the bed waving a finger at me. "I'm giving you five minutes If you take any longer I'm going to drag you out looking like this"

"Yes, ma'am?" I said still confused. What is she talking about? I stomped over to my closet pulling out a pair of jeans. I don't have anything written on my calendar... What can I be missing? My eyes scan over my calendar one last time before I sigh.

"What are you doing?" A voice said from behind me causing me to jump around and scream.

"Ares?" I asked my heart beating out of my chest. His blue eyes widen as looks around the room. Once he relaxed he looks down at me giving me a smirk

"Who else would be in your room?" He asked raising his eyebrow. He think's he's funny huh?

"What are you doing here?" I place my hair in a ponytail groaning. "How is everyone barging into my house?" My eyes look away as I point to my calendar. "Do you know what today is by any chance-" I stop mid-sentence as I'm interrupted by a loud knock.

"Whos barging into your house Alex?" Are you kidding me? I turn around to meet Apollo who has a plate of scrambled eggs in his hand. A fork  dangling from his mouth. Did he actually  make himself breakfast? Does my front door have a sign that says come in? Last time I check Apollo was living with Dionysus. What has my life become?

"You know what I don't even mind anymore. Do you know what today is because I-"

"Alex where's your wine?" Even Dionysus is here? Are we having a barge into Alex's apartment day? How would I even have wine? I take a deep breath looking back at my calendar. What's so special about today?

"I'll just figure it out myself" I mumble banging my head against the closet door.

"Alex Come on," Sally said grabbing Apollo eggs. She waves a finger at him  "Those were for Alex"

"Alex would have let me have them anyway," Apollo said grabbing the plate back while sticking his tongue out.

"Alex I told you to get ready," Sally said throwing her hands up in the air. "I mean you know how big today is right?"

"Yeah," I said quietly trying to figure it out. What kind of best friend am I? I know it's not her birthday nor is it her moms or dads. What am I missing here?

"What's so big about today?," Apollo asks looking over at Sally. Finally someone asked.

"My brothers coming back!" Sally screamed jumping up and down. Angel? Angel's coming back. How did I forget to add that to my calendar?

"From where?" Apollo asked his head tilting into curiosity

"He went to Greece for some school thing," Sally said grabbing my hand pulling me along. I look at Apollo as his eyes widen. Of course, it would be Greece. Dionysus bursts out laughing as Sally pulls us out of my room.

"What was he doing in Greece again Sal?" I ask as she hands me my shoes.

"I'm not sure something about studying their gods" Oh this is fantastic. There's no way he would be able to piece it together right?

"When is he coming?"

"We are picking in right now," Sally said giving me a big smile. Her brother means the world to her. Ever since they were young they were inseparable. He was so sweet. He would do anything to help anyone. He's the reason I got the job at Sallys. 

"Alex I have to go," Ares said walking up to Sally and me.

"You just got here," I said stepping closer to him. Here's the thing I haven't really figured out yet. If I want to hug him can I? I've never done this before. Stepping back I  give him a smile. "It's fine be careful"

"Are you okay Alex?" He asked looking directly into my eyes. I bite my lip feeling myself turn red. What kind of girlfriend is scared to hug her boyfriend?

"I'm great" He knows I'm lying, doesn't he? Do gods have a built-in lie detector?

"We'll talk when I come back" I saw that coming. He pulls me into a hug. "I'll be back soon Alex" He whispers into my ear. 


"Hello everyone" Ares rolled his eyes as his dad stood up from his 'throne'. His dad's blue eyes seem to look more vibrate today which always caused Ares to worry.

"Apollo stop spinning in the chair" Athena snapped as Apollo gave her a smile. Before spinning one last time. Ares grabbed onto Apollo seat forcing him to stay in place.

"Why are we here?" Ares said wanting nothing more to get to the point. He didn't like coming to these things. Mainly because he just hated everyone.

"I just wanted to do a check in with everyone. Since these the new rules about soulmates are in place has anyone else besides Ares found theirs?"  Ares' eyes scan the room as every God and Goddesses said no. Ares noticed how Apollo seemed to freeze up in his chair before shaking his head no. He made a mental note to ask Apollo about it later before rolling his eyes at himself. Since when did Ares care about things like this?

"Wait where's Erebus?" Dionysus said taking a drink out of his wine glass.

"Oh yeah, He sent  me a message to read to all you guys. " Hermes said pulling a note out of his pocket. He clears his throat before reading "Dear Lovely family stops inviting me to these pointless things because I have better things to do with my time. Actually anything would be better than being in a room with you. Love Erebus" Hermes said his voice fading near the end.

"Erebus" Athena growled

"I should really start reading this messaging before saying them," Hermes said giving out a nervous laugh. Ares held back his laugh as Zeus faced turned to one filled with rage.

"Who does he think he is?" Zeus said shaking his head. "Someone needs to teach that boy a lesson" Zeus eyes went to Ares. At least Erebus was honest. 

"What's that look for?" Ares asked raising his eyebrow. "My lessons tend to end up with the person screaming in pain"


Picture ontop is Sally's brother!

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