Chapter Twenty Six

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"Wait if Ares has a soulmate does this mean we all do?" Hermes said causing everyone to start talking among each other. Ares looked  at Apollo who was to busy trying to get his sister to say hi to him by jumping up and down and waving his hands around.While Artemis ignored him completely looking over him. Ares knew the only reason she was doing that was because Apollo sided with him. Ares places a hand on Apollo shoulder to stop him from jumping. Apollo needed to stop making a fucking fool of himself.

"Impossible" Athena responded pushing her brown hair out of her face. "It would be impossible unless..." Her green eyes drift over to Aphrodite who looks like she doesn't want to be here as much as Ares. He slowly nodded his head acknowledging her. It seemed everyone thought that they had a "thing" even Alex did. But that was far from it. Ares didn't like being around her because she reminded him of humans.

"What?"Aphoriate said as she continued twirling her blond hair. "Some thing are beyond my control"

"Our law says that gods are prohibited from having  soulmates" Athena said her voice monotone. Why does she always sound like she's reading from a god damn book Ares thought rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"Love doesn't follow the rules you know that" Aphrodite said calmly standing up from her seat.

"Oh love-" Apollo started to say but Ares pushed him interrupting his poem. That's one of the things  Ares disliked about his brother. For some reason Apollo always had to say some fucking poems all the time.

"Why should Ares get to have his when Some of us had to watch our soulmates die" Hermes said well more like yelled. Ares growled ready to fight when Apollo grabbed him by the shoulder.

"All you do is fucking whine" Erebus said pulling Hermes out of his chair. "I'll give you something to fucking whine about"

"Enough" Hera shouted banging her fist against the table. "Erebus let him go"

"I'm leaving"Erebus growled disappearing in an instant. Why couldn't I think of that? Ares thought. But he knew if he attempted to disappear they would bring him right back.

"It's not right" Eris shouted. "I watched my soulmate burn and All I could do was look" Eris said tears started to gather up in her eyes. Ares feels a twinge of sympathy thinking of watching Alex get hurt in anyway makes him want to kill.

" I placed that law for a reason" Zeus yelled as the sound of thunder filled the room.

"The times have changed
Soulmates have been arranged
Those who fear love the most
Will have someone close
Dead will rise and be alive
For those who's mates
Have gone away"  Apollo said his eyes shining a bright white. Ares shocked himself by catching his brother as he was about to fall to the ground. Apollo always passes out after saying a prophecy. He was going to let him fall but then  he heard Alex in the back of his head forcing him to catch him. He must have shocked everyone else to because they all gasped.

"Love has spoken" Aphrodite said a smile forming on her face.

"What does this mean?" Zeus demanded looking at Aphrodite.

"Love has over powered your law Those who's soulmates have passed have been reincarnated while those who never had one now do" Athena responded clearly not liking this prohercy.

Alex Point of View
"You shouldn't be eating that" Jessica said as I raised a cupcake to my mouth. My hand puts the cupcake down as I bite down on my tongue. I really wanted to eat that cupcake. Sally left to get some groceries so I was stuck with her. I've never seen Sally so worried over groceries and Ares is well I really don't know where he is.

"Alrighty then" I mumbled sending her a wary smile. Maybe she's tired?

"This is boring" she Stated checking to make sure her lipstick was intact with the spoon on the table. I was about to change the subject when I heared someone walk in. Thank god. I smiled towards the door but quickly dropped it jumping up from my seat.

"Erebus" His hair looks disheveled as he keeps running his hands though it. He seemed out of it completely different then the last time I saw him.

"I need your help" He said looking up at me.His eyes went to Jessica. Who was reapplying her lipstick "Oh" He raised his hand up causing Jessica to freeze. My mouth drops open as I wave a hand in front of her face. Nothing she didn't even flinch. That's so freaking cool. Why couldn't Ares do that?

"What can I do for you?" I asked relived that I didn't have to listen to Jessica talk about her handbags anymore. "Wait" I said grabbing my cupcake taking a big bite. "Sorry go on?"

"My soulmate saw me," Erebus said still clearly distraught.

"Why are you saying that like you were hiding from her?"

"I was" He growled out.


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