Chapter Eight

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When Alex and her mom headed to bed Ares sighed in relief. He couldn't explain it but Alex was making him feel weird and he wanted it to stop.

"Whats up with you?" Apollo asked looking at Ares curiously.

"Shut up," Ares said sitting down on the old sofa. He could hear a creak as he sat down.

"It's Alex huh?" Apollo said a smile forming on his face. "Come on tell me" Apollo sat down next to him waiting for Ares to say something.

" I can't explain it," Ares said feeling weird about  talking to his brother about this. Ares never really talked to any of his brothers mainly because whenever he did he wanted to fight them.

"You like her" Apollo sang winking at him. "Oh love-"

"Don't start with your poetry crap" Ares warned his brother. Another reason he didn't talk to his brothers they are all annoying.  He couldn't like Alex. She was a human. A weak fragile human. He could never like such a weak species.

"It's not crap," Apollo said crossing his arms over his chest in protest. "I think you need to get that stick out of your ass" Ares didn't say anything to him he just shoved him to the ground.

"That's better," Ares said a smile threatening to form on his lips.



I sigh turning over on my bed. Man, I love Sundays it's the one day where I can sleep in all day.  Sally believes no one should ever work on Sundays. Although I think she just says that so she can catch up on all her sleep.

"It's already ten. Why is she still asleep?"I hear Apollo say. "Ares I'm hungry feed me" I get up from the bed holding back a laugh. Apollo is like an adorable puppy. 

"Good-" I stop talking as I walk into the kitchen completely shocked by what I have just seen. Apollo smiles nervously at me holding an empty bag of flour. Ares turns to me his whole body covered in flour. I could practically feel the anger radiating off of him. Laughing won't help this situation I remind myself. 

"I'm going to end you," Ares said his voice sounded strangely calm for someone who just said he was going to end someone. He shakes his head trying to get out all of the flour in it. I step forward raising my hand to his hair to help him get the flour out. He grabs my hand looking caught off guard.

"Ares," Apollo said in a warning tone. He lets go of my hand walking out of the kitchen. The door in the living room slams shut.

"Is he okay?" I ask confused. Why was he so mad? A frown forming on my face. Maybe I should have got up sooner so I could have stopped this from happening. 

"He has the temper of a five-year-old he will be good when he come back" Apollo assures me. 

That look Ares gave me when he grabbed my hand made me want to run and hide. I shake my head trying to get the image of his  piercing blue eyes out of my head.  "He is really a drama queen too," Apollo says rolling his eyes.

"You wanted pancakes right?" I ask him grabbing the empty bag of flour from his hands. He nods practically jumping up and down. "Then let's go buy some more flour."


"Oh No" I hear Apollo whisper as we walk out of the store. I look up at him. Did he see Ms Rosen? She's the lady who works at the grocery store who does not like me at all. She gets me in a bad mood too.I doubt he knows her though.

His confused his brown eyes are now filled with something I can't describe. My eyes follow his gaze and see two big crowds of people both screaming violently at each other. Like literally screaming. 

  "What's going on?" I say starting to walk closer to the crowd. I stop in my tracks when I see Ares standing in the middle of them. A smirk placed on his lips as the crowds start to get louder. Why does he look like he is enjoying this so much?Last time I checked people who are able to kill each other wasn't considered a good thing.

"What's wrong with him? Why is he standing there he could get hurt" I say walking closer to the crowd. We need to get him away from the crowd.

"'Alex stop" I hear Apollo say but it too late I'm already in the crowd. I feel elbows push into my shoulders as I make my way through. 

"Watch where you're fucking going" I look up hearing a deep voice say. An old man looks at me a beer bottle in his hand. "Did you hear me bitch?" He raises the bottle and I let out a scream. I feel two hands wrap around my waist pulling me away from the old man. I hide my head into the stranger's chest shaking in fear feeling strangely safe now.  Wow Alex smart idea hide into a strangers chest. 

"Take the beer bottle and bash it into your head" I look up from the stranger's chest as he talks. Ares blue eyes look back at me .How did he get here he was all the way in the front. His eyes look away from mine as he looks at the man. The old man place raise the bottle to his head. He looks scared as if he is unable to control his actions. I look back at Ares and he is full on smiling now.

"Stop" I snatch the bottle from the old man's hand before he could bash it into his skull.The old man looks at me his face showing relief.

"What are you doing?" Ares asked spinning me around to face him. He grabs the bottle from me holding onto it so tightly i'm surprised it didn't crack. "I thought I gave you an order" He growled out looking back at the old man.

"Stop it" I whisper quietly. "Leave him alone" I look up at Ares his blue eyes now holding confusion.

"He was going to hurt you don't defend him" He snaps I grab the bottle quickly throwing it to the ground before he could give it back to the man. He looks down at the now broken beer bottle.

"No one deserves to be hurt," I say looking up at Ares.

"You're wrong"

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