Chapter Forty

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"Do you really think he's hiding something?" I asked Ares. His eyes meet mine and for a second I see panic flash though them. But the look in his eyes fades instantly almost as if it was never there. Why can't he see that it's okay to show you care?

"I feel it Alex" Ares said. "He's scared but I don't know of what" He clenches his fist his eyes seem to darken.

"Talk to him" I say resting a hand on his shoulders. He smiles slightly as if I just said a joke.

"Apollo and I aren't exactly the talk about our feelings type of people"

"I think Apollo is you are just not" I mock. Apollo would be shocked if Ares even said he was feeling hungry.  Heck I think we all would start jumping with joy. Maybe even throw a party.

"I know it has something to do with soulmates every time the word is mentioned he freezes up and starts fidgeting." Ares mentions looking away from me. I pause for a second.Apollo said something before about soulmates I just can't remember what it was. 

"Maybe he's scared of love" Ares stands up pulling me up with him. His blue eyes always seem to put me under a spell.  How can someone this beautiful be with someone like me? 

"I can see why" Ares said as he leaned towards me. 

"Why?" I asked my heart starts beating faster. So fast that I wouldn't be surprised if it jumped out of my body. He ignores my question smashing his lips against mine. If you would have told me future me would have been making out with a God I would have started laughing. Then I would have called the police.

"Ares" I whispered as he pressed himself against me. I move my hips slightly causing him to grunt slightly. 

"Cause you're my greatest weakness" He said In between breaths. "I never thought I would be happy to have a weakness."

"Just so you know I took kickboxing classes when I was 13. So who you calling weak?" I laugh as he picked me up. Okay I may have only went to one class but that doesn't matter. 

"This is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life" I jumped back seeing Erebus holding a baseball bat. "Do you have something I can use to gouge my eyes out?"

"Whats with the bat?" I asked. Not even shocked that he just appeared. He always does this somehow. It's like their super power to teleport theirselves into my house.  Maybe I have an all Gods welcomed sign on my door. 

"Why are you here?" Ares said at the exact same time. "Did you bring me a bat so I can hit you with it?"

" Thats exactly why I brought it so you can beat me like a piñata." Erebus said a frown on his face. "I need to talk to Apollo I thought he was going to be in here."

"In my room?" I questioned my eyebrows raised. "Out of all the places this is the first one you decided to appear in?" 

"Well last time I saw Apollo he was in this room crying while watching The Vampire Diaries" He was what? Did he finish watching the show without me?

"Why do you need a bat to talk to Apollo?" Ares said as he stepped closer to Erebus. 

"Woah what episode was it?" I asked getting in between Erebus and Ares.

"Hey don't get all protective Ares on me. He asked me to bring it. In fact he said this was an emergency. I'm just as confused as you."

"Apollo" I called out walking out of my room. He has some serious explaining to do. We promised we would only watch the show together.

"Alex" Apollo screamed back as he ran up to me. He is in the brightest jersey I've ever seen. Seriously I feel like I need to wear some sun glasses just to see him. Oh don't even get me started on the baseball hat.

"Erebus brought your bat?" He eyes filled with excitement as he pushed pass me and ran into the room. Weird boy. "How dare you watch The Vampire Diaries without me."

"I'm disowning this family its been real" Erebus said throwing the bat at Apollo. He glared at him but Apollo just gave him a big smile. How can anyone stay mad at him he's like a puppy. A really strange puppy.

"I tried doing that it doesn't work believe me" Ares grumbled as he smacked Erebus shoulder.

"Brother don't joke about that" Apollo said jumping onto Ares. "You know I'm your favorite sibling." Apollo eyes meet mine as I mouth the word traitor to him. 

"Not at all"

"Is it Artemis? She always seems to beat me."

"Its none of you. You all equally annoy me"

"But I'm the least annoying right?"

"I take it back Artemis is my favorite" Ares said shoving Apollo off him. This must be what they call bonding? 

"Alex he wants us to start our own baseball team" Erebus grumbled. A baseball team? I would pay to see that. All I can imagine is Ares trying to hit them with the bats. "Apollo we are Gods we can do anything and this is what you want to do?"

"An all Gods baseball team." Apollo pauses as he swings the bat. "It's never been done before"

"Yeah it hasn't been done before cause us Gods have better things to do than swing a bat around" Erebus said.

"Really? Cause the only thing I see you do is sulk around" I said trying my best to not smile.

"My sulking ability is one of the things I'm most proud of. Alex I'm the God of darkness that means sulking around is a must." 

"Oh I thought you were the God of annoyance" Ares said as he grabbed the bat from Apollo.

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