Chapter Six

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"So you like him" Sally said giving me a nudge. I  look down at my coffee cup. We are sitting here because Sally made me come here on our lunch break. She said it was to discuss business but theres no business talk happening here. Just interrogation

"Sal I already told you I'm just helping him out" I say taking a sip of my coffee.

"So you're telling me theres no sexual tension between you" 

"Sal" I cough out. Sexual Tension?

"Look you and I both know he is not ugly hell. He  is freaking gorgeous" She points out. Alright I can't deny that. He is not ugly in any way. His jet black hair and freaking unbelievable blue eyes. "Have you seen his cheek bones and don't even get me started on his jaw line" Sal said winking at me.

"Do you need a moment?" I ask laughing as she glares at me.

"I'm just saying you should go for it now let's go back to work" She grabs her cup motioning for me to get up.


I've been sneaking glances at Ares  who is sitting down at the back of the shop with his feet on the table. His eyes glued to the window. I've must have been looking for too long because his blue eyes meet my brown ones.Making my heart pound harder. Do I like him? I shake my head looking away. How can I like someone I barely know?

"Excuse me" I snap my head up looking up at a customer. Oh god how long has he been standing there. He looks about twenty and smells like my mom's wine cabinet. He looks weirdly beautiful as-well. 

"Yes sir what would you like today" I offer him a smile.

"Can I say you?" My eyes widen as I realize what he just said. Is he flirting with me? How do I respond to that? I laugh hoping my face is not the color of a tomato.

"She's not on the menu" My eyes drift to Ares who is making his way over to us. "Want to order something else?" He asked now standing next to me. All I can think about Is  how dumb I look just standing here to confused to say anything.

"I believe I was talking to the lady" The guy says his brown eyes looking onto mine. I feel Ares tense beside me. What is he doing?

"You should try the vanilla cupcakes trust me there are the best cupcakes" I say wanting to get out of this uncomfortable situation.

"If a beautiful lady like you likes them then I must try them"

"Coming right up" I say practically running to the kitchen.



"What are you doing here?" Ares growled wanting to grab his brother by the head and ram his head into the cash register.

"When Dad said he sent you to live among humans I just had to see it for myself" Dionysus said running a hand threw his blond hair.

"Well you've seen now leave"

"Why so fast I'm going to have some fun before I leave " He winks at Ares motioning to the direction Alex went. That was all it took to set Ares off before he could even process what he was doing. He had Dionysus pressed against the wall. His hands wrapped around his neck.

"You try anything on her I mean anything on her I will end you" He growled out.

"So Dad was right you seem to have a soft spot for that human and you don't even realize it" Dionysus choked out as his brother grip tighten on his neck.

"I don't know what you're talking about now leave" Ares yelled letting go of his brother.

"Already trying to start something huh? If you don't know what I'm talking about let me have her for a night" Ares has never wanted to hurt someone this bad. "I bet she's great in bed" He steps forward but stops when he hears Alex.

"What are you doing?" He heard the fear in her voice and it made him even more mad.

"Oh we were just having a little fun" Dionysus said getting up from the floor. "You know family you want to kill them but you can't"

"Family?" Alex asked her face scrunched up in confusion.

"I'm Dionysus sweetheart his brother"


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